Provides cleaner output log tailing for monitoring purposes.
Does not support third-party mods which change the log output, but you can modify if needed.
Change the logloc='/path/to/your/valheimlog.txt'
var to represent the location of your log file. (logs are produced by enabling the -logfile somelog.txt
flag to your server executable) or you can also pipe systemd logging if you've installed the server as a systemd service by replacing tail -f $logloc
journalctl -f -u yourvalserver.service
(@nimdy's script calls this service valheimserver.service
by default). In this case, you can also delete lines below the commented section to produce a cleaner log file of journal by appending >> cleanerlog.txt
You may need to make the script executable: chmod +x
Logs after:
Logs before: