Website available here.
- Interval recognition
- Chord recognition
- Solfege practice
The interface is keyboard-based :
The site will prompt you with sounds, you may submit your answer by typing directly. Several answers are possible for the same prompt : for instance, one might identify a dominant seven chord by typing dom, dom7 or simply 7.
No need to press enter, when a correct answer is submited a new prompt is given.
As long as the correct answer is not given, the interface remains the same.
Press Spacebar to move on to a new prompt
Ctrl-R (or Cmd-R) to replay the prompt
Ctrl-S (Cmd-S) to spell out the prompt
(In Interval mode and Chord mode, Ctrl-S plays notes one by one. In Solfege mode, Ctrl-S replays the reference tone)
Interval mode (resp. Chord mode) prompt the user with a musical interval (resp. chord). The user must answer with a descritpion such as m3, p5 or octave (resp. min7, dom...)
In Solfege mode, a reference tone is given (C major chord) and the prompts are single notes. The user must answer with the corresponding scale degree in solfege notation (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti)
(one may answer with foreign solfege such as sol or si)