This project is a bucket list for books. After a user is logged in they are able to search books using a Google API. They are then able to add the books to a list of books they want to read. They are then able to move books from a want to read to already read, as well as comment on each book. This information should be tied to the user and maintain itself in the database when not actively logged in.
If using from the Heroku link, no installation is required beyond a basic web browser.
For anyone who reads a lot and wants to keep a list of books they intend to read, as well as notes about books they have already read. Heroku Link to active site: link to Heroku!
GitHub and emails for all contributors to this project.
Ben Flynn: [email protected]
Caleb Walker: [email protected]
Ivan Beres: [email protected]
Demetri Dillard: [email protected]
Questions about the project can either be directed to any 4 of the above contributors.