The goal of this repo is to provide a template from which students can host CS184/284A homework writeups.
Feel free to be as creative as you want with this! As long as your writeup is easily readable to staff members who are grading, and can be printed into a readable PDF (for submission to Gradescope), we would be happy with it!
Some students choose to utilize a static website generator, and have found success with
- Just the docs -- our course site is actually built off this!
- Lanyon
You can work as you go, testing locally, by locating the folder for each assignment, and opening the index.html
file within it.
To enable Github pages, go to the 'Settings' tab then click on 'Pages'. Under 'Build and Deployment' -> 'Branch', make sure that the branch is set to 'master' and the folder is set to 'root'. If these settings are correct, you should see a message saying "Your site is live at [website url]" at the top of the 'Pages' page, and navigating to the github page link should render index.html.
There are 4 folders, one for each homework. Each contains an index.html file. When the links from the mainpage are clicked, these files will be loaded, so edit these to add your homework webpages.