justIN - DUNE workflow system
See https://justin.dune.hep.ac.uk/ for documentation
(This will be adopted in the near future.)
Most development happens on the main branch, via pull requests
Version numbers in the form MM.mm.pp with major, minor and patch versions. Each of the three numbers has two digits, usually with a leading 0.
When a minor release is made, a new branch named MM.mm is created. The start of that branch is tagged as MM.mm.00 The same procedure is used for major releases.
If patch releases are needed for any releases to fix bugs, then the updates are made on that existing release branch, and new tags named MM.mm.01 etc are made on that branch once the code is ready.
Distribution via cvmfs etc is based on those three number tags on release branches.
Patch updates will only be bug fixes. Minor releases will only fix bugs and add backwards compatible features. In both cases it should be possible to upgrade without any additional human intervention. Clearly the risk of introducing new bugs is higher when adding new features rather than just fixing known bugs.
Major releases introduce changes which may require human intervention to update configuration files, use different API calls etc.