MetaFunPrimer: an Environment-Specific, High-Throughput Primer Design Tool for Improved Quantification of Target Genes
by Jia Liu, Paul Villanueva, Jinlyung Choi, Santosh Gunturu, Yang Ouyang, Lisa Tiemann, James R. Cole, Kathryn R. Glanville, Steven J. Hall, Marshall D. McDaniel, Jaejin Lee, Adina Howe
This work has been accepted by mSystems journal.
Liu J, Villanueva P, Choi J, Gunturu S, Ouyang Y, Tiemann L, Cole JR, Glanville KR, Hall SJ, McDaniel MD, Lee J, Howe A. 2021. MetaFunPrimer: an environment-specific, high-throughput primer design tool for improved quantification of target genes. mSystems 6: e00201-21.
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