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frin1 committed Jan 14, 2023
1 parent 915f1b7 commit 9640565
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Showing 5 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions pkg/datatype/bools/slice.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package bools

type BoolSlice []bool

func New(a ...bool) BoolSlice {
return BoolSlice(a)

func (s *BoolSlice) Push(v bool) {
*s = append(*s, v)

func (s *BoolSlice) Update(v bool) {
*s = append(*s, v)

func (s *BoolSlice) Pop(i int64) (v bool) {
v = (*s)[i]
*s = append((*s)[:i], (*s)[i+1:]...)
return v

func (s BoolSlice) Tail(size int) BoolSlice {
length := len(s)
if length <= size {
win := make(BoolSlice, length)
copy(win, s)
return win

win := make(BoolSlice, size)
copy(win, s[length-size:])
return win

func (s *BoolSlice) Length() int {
return len(*s)

func (s *BoolSlice) Index(i int) bool {
length := len(*s)
if length-i < 0 || i < 0 {
return false
return (*s)[length-i-1]

func (s *BoolSlice) Last() bool {
length := len(*s)
if length > 0 {
return (*s)[length-1]
return false
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions pkg/indicator/supertrendPivot.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
package indicator

import (



// based on "Pivot Point Supertrend by LonesomeTheBlue" from tradingview

var logpst = logrus.WithField("indicator", "pivotSupertrend")

//go:generate callbackgen -type PivotSupertrend
type PivotSupertrend struct {
ATRMultiplier float64 `json:"atrMultiplier"`
PivotWindow int `json:"pivotWindow"`

AverageTrueRange *ATR // Value must be set when initialized in strategy

PivotLow *PivotLow // Value must be set when initialized in strategy
PivotHigh *PivotHigh // Value must be set when initialized in strategy

trendPrices floats.Slice // Tsl: value of the trend line (buy or sell)
supportLine floats.Slice // The support line in an uptrend (green)
resistanceLine floats.Slice // The resistance line in a downtrend (red)

closePrice float64
previousClosePrice float64
uptrendPrice float64
previousUptrendPrice float64
downtrendPrice float64
previousDowntrendPrice float64

lastPp float64
src float64 // center
previousPivotHigh float64 // temp variable to save the last value
previousPivotLow float64 // temp variable to save the last value

trend types.Direction
previousTrend types.Direction
tradeSignal types.Direction

EndTime time.Time
UpdateCallbacks []func(value float64)

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) Last() float64 {
return inc.trendPrices.Last()

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) Index(i int) float64 {
length := inc.Length()
if length == 0 || length-i-1 < 0 {
return 0
return inc.trendPrices[length-i-1]

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) Length() int {
return len(inc.trendPrices)

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) Update(highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice float64) {
if inc.Window <= 0 {
panic("window must be greater than 0")

if inc.AverageTrueRange == nil {
inc.SeriesBase.Series = inc

// Start with DirectionUp
if inc.trend != types.DirectionUp && inc.trend != types.DirectionDown {
inc.trend = types.DirectionUp

inc.previousPivotLow = inc.PivotLow.Last()
inc.previousPivotHigh = inc.PivotHigh.Last()

// Update High / Low pivots

// Update ATR
inc.AverageTrueRange.Update(highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)

// Update last prices
inc.previousUptrendPrice = inc.uptrendPrice
inc.previousDowntrendPrice = inc.downtrendPrice
inc.previousClosePrice = inc.closePrice
inc.previousTrend = inc.trend

inc.closePrice = closePrice

// Initialize lastPp as soon as pivots are made
if inc.lastPp == 0 || math.IsNaN(inc.lastPp) {
if inc.PivotHigh.Length() > 0 {
inc.lastPp = inc.PivotHigh.Last()
} else if inc.PivotLow.Length() > 0 {
inc.lastPp = inc.PivotLow.Last()
} else {
inc.lastPp = math.NaN()

// Set lastPp to the latest pivotPoint (only changed when new pivot is found)
if inc.PivotHigh.Last() != inc.previousPivotHigh {
inc.lastPp = inc.PivotHigh.Last()
} else if inc.PivotLow.Last() != inc.previousPivotLow {
inc.lastPp = inc.PivotLow.Last()

// calculate the Center line using pivot points
if inc.src == 0 || math.IsNaN(inc.src) {
inc.src = inc.lastPp
} else {
//weighted calculation
inc.src = (inc.src*2 + inc.lastPp) / 3

// Update uptrend
inc.uptrendPrice = inc.src - inc.AverageTrueRange.Last()*inc.ATRMultiplier
if inc.previousClosePrice > inc.previousUptrendPrice {
inc.uptrendPrice = math.Max(inc.uptrendPrice, inc.previousUptrendPrice)

// Update downtrend
inc.downtrendPrice = inc.src + inc.AverageTrueRange.Last()*inc.ATRMultiplier
if inc.previousClosePrice < inc.previousDowntrendPrice {
inc.downtrendPrice = math.Min(inc.downtrendPrice, inc.previousDowntrendPrice)

// Update trend
if inc.previousTrend == types.DirectionUp && inc.closePrice < inc.previousUptrendPrice {
inc.trend = types.DirectionDown
} else if inc.previousTrend == types.DirectionDown && inc.closePrice > inc.previousDowntrendPrice {
inc.trend = types.DirectionUp
} else {
inc.trend = inc.previousTrend

// Update signal
if inc.AverageTrueRange.Last() <= 0 {
inc.tradeSignal = types.DirectionNone
} else if inc.trend == types.DirectionUp && inc.previousTrend == types.DirectionDown {
inc.tradeSignal = types.DirectionUp
} else if inc.trend == types.DirectionDown && inc.previousTrend == types.DirectionUp {
inc.tradeSignal = types.DirectionDown
} else {
inc.tradeSignal = types.DirectionNone

// Update trend price
if inc.trend == types.DirectionDown {
} else {

// Save the trend lines

logpst.Debugf("Update pivot point supertrend result: closePrice: %v, uptrendPrice: %v, downtrendPrice: %v, trend: %v,"+
" tradeSignal: %v, AverageTrueRange.Last(): %v", inc.closePrice, inc.uptrendPrice, inc.downtrendPrice,
inc.trend, inc.tradeSignal, inc.AverageTrueRange.Last())

// GetSignal returns signal (Down, None or Up)
func (inc *PivotSupertrend) GetSignal() types.Direction {
return inc.tradeSignal

// GetDirection returns current trend
func (inc *PivotSupertrend) GetDirection() types.Direction {
return inc.trend

// GetCurrentSupertrendSupport returns last supertrend support value
func (inc *PivotSupertrend) GetCurrentSupertrendSupport() float64 {
return inc.supportLine.Last()

// GetCurrentSupertrendResistance returns last supertrend resistance value
func (inc *PivotSupertrend) GetCurrentSupertrendResistance() float64 {
return inc.resistanceLine.Last()

var _ types.SeriesExtend = &PivotSupertrend{}

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) PushK(k types.KLine) {
if inc.EndTime != zeroTime && !k.EndTime.After(inc.EndTime) {

inc.Update(k.GetHigh().Float64(), k.GetLow().Float64(), k.GetClose().Float64())
inc.EndTime = k.EndTime.Time()

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) BindK(target KLineClosedEmitter, symbol string, interval types.Interval) {
target.OnKLineClosed(types.KLineWith(symbol, interval, inc.PushK))

func (inc *PivotSupertrend) LoadK(allKLines []types.KLine) {
inc.SeriesBase.Series = inc
for _, k := range allKLines {
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions pkg/indicator/supertrendPivot_callbacks.go

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