This project is part of the cloud direct insertion project. It leverages the work of Jamie Bresch to retrieve obs data, then interpolates to MPAS unstructured mesh. This repository was initially designed and written by Yonggang G. Yu.
- Interpolate fields from obs to model
source mpas-jedi environment
git clone
cd obs2model
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ../ ; make -j4
cd ../test/abi
ln ../../build/bin/obs2mpas.x .
- 0. get argument from command line
- 1. read namelist
- 2. read observations (ABI or AHI) lat/lon & data
- 3. read MPAS lat/lon
- 4. build and search kd-tree
- 5. re-organize the matching pairs
- 6. interpolate the obs fields into model mesh either superob or nearest neighbor.
- 7a. Write the interpolated fields to MPAS file
- 7b. Write the interpolated fields to IODA file
f_mpas_latlon = '' , ! MPAS file path/name to read lat & lon information
f_mpas_out = '' , ! MPAS file for writing the interpolated ABI fields
l_read_indx = .true. or .false., ! read index and counnt for matching ABI-MPAS pairs
l_write_indx = .true. or .false., ! write index and counnt for matching ABI-MPAS pairs
l_superob = .true., ! .true.= mesh-based superob, .false.= nearest-neighbor
l_write_o2m_iodav1 = .true., ! .true. = write superob/nearest-neighbor into ioda v1 file
! .false.= write superob/nearest-neighbor into MPAS file
This section is the same as