Releases: butterwecksolutions/Spotmarket-Switcher
Releases · butterwecksolutions/Spotmarket-Switcher
v2.4.10 IMPORTANT Update
Important Update for Users of Version 2.4:
Please upgrade to version 2.4.10 or later immediately. Older 2.4 versions had identified a potential issue, causing unexpected behavior. There was a possible syntax error within a main function to evaluate and execute charging, discharging, and socket conditions.
Version 2.4.10 has also some fixes like re-activation of ESS if new price-data cannot be downloaded.
This version has also a fix if the Solar API Data is out of range of the matrix.
Highlights of the New Version:
- Re-activate ESS if no data download possible
- Fix script issues at internet connection problems
- Fix "No target SoC found." if Solar Weather is out of range of the matrix
- Round SOC values to integers (some systems result in decimal numbers, found this behavior on a Venus OS v3.13 system)
- Tibber & aWATTar API Enhancements and New Config File Design: The new version features significant improvements to both the Tibber and aWATTar APIs, along with a redesigned configuration file format (special thanks to @kLOsk).
- Removal of v2.3 Limitations: The restriction to only the 6 lowest prices has been lifted. Now, 24/48 price analysis is possible, offering more flexibility, especially beneficial for heat pump owners.
- Dynamic ESS Management: Instead of permanent ESS, the script now supports dynamic discharging at the highest prices.
- Dynamic Charging Target Based on Solar Weather: Adjustments to the charging target will depend on solar weather data, optimizing capacity reservation for solar energy.
- Refined Target SOC Calculation: Corrections have been made to the dynamic target State of Charge (SOC) calculation, enhancing accuracy.
- aWATTar API Updates: The script now calculates total prices including taxes when using the aWATTar API.
Tibber API Improvements:
- Fallback to aWATTar API: If next day's prices are delayed on Tibber API, the script will now automatically use aWATTar API as a fallback.
- Error Handling: In case of an error with the Tibber API, the script will revert to using data from the aWATTar API.