This project inspired by Greg Young's project where he's expaining simplest possible objects to keep in mind then you serve CQRS solution.
Currently this project implemented in:
Every new language will be in another next branch and include very similar solution to problem .
In this section I will try to describe in pseudo-code how each solution is represented:
app = #it's application (our working horse to serve every routine work)
id =
app.send createTask id: id, title: "new title", version: -1
wait_while app.read_by_id(id).version == 0 #we need this because event publishing is asynchronous and everything happens in a while
app.send renameTask id: id, title: "new title 1", version: 0
wait_while app.read_by_id(id).version == 1
app.send completeTask id: id, version: 1
wait_while app.read_by_id(id).version == 2
task = app.read_by_id id
print "Check out that everything is ok with our task #{task.title} #{task.completed}"