This repository implements a wrapper code for generating a Sentencepiece Vocabulary and Tokenizer model from RefinedWeb dataset using tensorflow-text package. The tokenizers generated with this wrapper script are used in the research article: PLDR-LLM: Large Language Model From Power Law Decoder Representations.
More information on Sentencepiece tokenizer can be found in articles:
- SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing
- Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates.
The Git repo for Sentencepiece module is at A tutorial for creating custom subword tokenizer class using tensorflow can be found at
- Builds a Sentencepiece tokenizer model from dataset and wraps in a custom tensorflow tokenizer class for PLDR-LLM training and evaluation.
- Optimized for preprocessing RefinedWeb dataset to generate a tokenizer model.
- The tokenizer implements reserved tokens "[PAD]", "[UNK]", "[START]", "[END]", "[SEP]", "[CLS]" into vocabulary for research purposes.
- The custom tokenizer class adds an "[END]" token at the end of each sentence and supports "[PAD]" token for padding.
Some of the hyperparameters for Sentencepiece can be provided through a parameter dictionary. proto_name is used for creating file names for sentencepiece model, tokenizer and preprocessed dataset files. If preprocessed text file is available, its path can be provided through "data_as_text_file" key.
import pretrain_make_sentencepiece_tokenizer as ptmspt
Below features of the tokenizer model are predefined in the wrapper module:
--pad_id=0 --unk_id=1
--bos_id=2 --eos_id=3
--unk_piece=[UNK] --bos_piece=[START]
--eos_piece=[END] --pad_piece=[PAD]
The tokenizer and a sentencepiece model can be trained as follows.
refinedweb_sp_tokenizer = ptmspt.sentencepiece_src_tokenizer(
train_intvl=[0, 2000000],
model_path = f"{proto_name}-tokenizer",
This example also saves the tokenizer as as a tensorflow saved model in the same folder where sentencepiece proto model is saved.
import tensorflow as tf
model_name = "/path/to/tokenizer/model"
#load tokenizer model
sp_tokenizers = tf.saved_model.load(model_name)
#print items ins the tokenizers class
print([item for item in dir(sp_tokenizers) if not item.startswith('_')])
#assign "en" attribute to access tokenizer
sp_tokenizers_src=getattr(sp_tokenizers, "en", None)
Below methods are accessible through the tokenizer to encode text and decode tokens, view reserved tokens or get the vocabulary size and location.
print(sp_tokenizers_src.tokenize(["Hello World!", "How do you do?"]))
print(sp_tokenizers_src.lookup(tf.convert_to_tensor([[4812, 979, 316, 3, 0], [592, 291, 282, 319, 3]], dtype=tf.int64)))
print(sp_tokenizers_src.detokenize(tf.convert_to_tensor([[4812, 979, 316, 3, 0], [592, 291, 282, 319, 3]], dtype=tf.int64)))