中文文档 (Chinese Docs)
netty-websocket-spring-boot-starter will help you develop WebSocket server by using Netty in spring-boot,it is easy to develop by using annotation like spring-websocket
- jdk version 1.8 or 1.8+
- add Dependencies:
- annotate
on endpoint class,and annotate@OnOpen
on the method. e.g.
public class MyWebSocket {
public void onOpen(Session session, HttpHeaders headers, ParameterMap parameterMap) throws IOException {
System.out.println("new connection");
String paramValue = parameterMap.getParameter("paramKey");
public void onClose(Session session) throws IOException {
System.out.println("one connection closed");
public void onError(Session session, Throwable throwable) {
public void onMessage(Session session, String message) {
session.sendText("Hello Netty!");
public void onBinary(Session session, byte[] bytes) {
for (byte b : bytes) {
public void onEvent(Session session, Object evt) {
if (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent) {
IdleStateEvent idleStateEvent = (IdleStateEvent) evt;
switch (idleStateEvent.state()) {
System.out.println("read idle");
System.out.println("write idle");
case ALL_IDLE:
System.out.println("all idle");
- use Websocket client to connect
in Spring configuration,it will scan for WebSocket endpoints that tated withServerEndpoint
. beans that be annotated withServerEndpoint
will be registered as a WebSocket endpoint. all configurations are inside this annotation ( e.g.@ServerEndpoint("/ws")
when there is a WebSocket connection accepted,the method annotated with
will be called
classes which be injected to the method are:Session,HttpHeaders,ParameterMap
when a WebSocket connection closed,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session
when a WebSocket connection throw Throwable, the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,Throwable
when a WebSocket connection received a message,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,String
when a WebSocket connection received the binary,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,byte[]
when a WebSocket connection received the event of Netty,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,Object
all configurations are configured in
's property
property | default | description |
path | "/" | path of WebSocket can be aliased for value |
host | "" | host of WebSocket."" means all of local addresses |
port | 80 | port of WebSocket。if the port equals to 0,it will use a random and available port(to get the port Multi-Endpoint) |
bossLoopGroupThreads | 0 | num of threads in bossEventLoopGroup |
workerLoopGroupThreads | 0 | num of threads in workerEventLoopGroup |
useCompressionHandler | false | whether add WebSocketServerCompressionHandler to pipeline |
prefix | "" | configuration by application.properties when it is empty,details can be find in Configuration-by-application.properties |
optionConnectTimeoutMillis | 30000 | the same as ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS in Netty |
optionSoBacklog | 128 | the same as ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG in Netty |
childOptionWriteSpinCount | 16 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_SPIN_COUNT in Netty |
childOptionWriteBufferHighWaterMark | 64*1024 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK in Netty,but use ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK in fact. |
childOptionWriteBufferLowWaterMark | 32*1024 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK in Netty,but use ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK in fact. |
childOptionSoRcvbuf | -1(mean not set) | the same as ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF in Netty |
childOptionSoSndbuf | -1(mean not set) | the same as ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF in Netty |
childOptionTcpNodelay | true | the same as ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY in Netty |
childOptionSoKeepalive | false | the same as ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE in Netty |
childOptionSoLinger | -1 | the same as ChannelOption.SO_LINGER in Netty |
childOptionAllowHalfClosure | false | the same as ChannelOption.ALLOW_HALF_CLOSURE in Netty |
readerIdleTimeSeconds | 0 | the same as readerIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
writerIdleTimeSeconds | 0 | the same as writerIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
allIdleTimeSeconds | 0 | the same as allIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
maxFramePayloadLength | 65536 | Maximum allowable frame payload length. |
After setting
, then configurate byapplication.properties
. for example:
- first,set
@ServerEndpoint(prefix = "netty-websocket")
public class MyWebSocket {
- then configurate in
The mapping of the key of
and properties in@ServerEndpoint
properties in @ServerEndpoint |
key of application.properties |
example |
path | {prefix}.path | netty-websocket.path |
host | {prefix}.host | netty-websocket.host |
port | {prefix}.port | netty-websocket.port |
bossLoopGroupThreads | {prefix}.boss-loop-group-threads | netty-websocket.boss-loop-group-threads |
workerLoopGroupThreads | {prefix}.worker-loop-group-threads | netty-websocket.worker-loop-group-threads |
useCompressionHandler | {prefix}.use-compression-handler | netty-websocket.use-compression-handler |
optionConnectTimeoutMillis | {prefix}.option.connect-timeout-millis | netty-websocket.option.connect-timeout-millis |
optionSoBacklog | {prefix}.option.so-backlog | netty-websocket.option.so-backlog |
childOptionWriteSpinCount | {prefix}.child-option.write-spin-count | netty-websocket.child-option.write-spin-count |
childOptionWriteBufferHighWaterMark | {prefix}.child-option.write-buffer-high-water-mark | netty-websocket.child-option.write-buffer-high-water-mark |
childOptionWriteBufferLowWaterMark | {prefix}.child-option.write-buffer-low-water-mark | netty-websocket.child-option.write-buffer-low-water-mark |
childOptionSoRcvbuf | {prefix}.child-option.so-rcvbuf | netty-websocket.child-option.so-rcvbuf |
childOptionSoSndbuf | {prefix}.child-option.so-sndbuf | netty-websocket.child-option.so-sndbuf |
childOptionTcpNodelay | {prefix}.child-option.tcp-nodelay | netty-websocket.child-option.tcp-nodelay |
childOptionSoKeepalive | {prefix}.child-option.so-keepalive | netty-websocket.child-option.so-keepalive |
childOptionSoLinger | {prefix}.child-option.so-linger | netty-websocket.child-option.so-linger |
childOptionAllowHalfClosure | {prefix}.child-option.allow-half-closure | netty-websocket.child-option.allow-half-closure |
readerIdleTimeSeconds | {prefix}.reader-idle-time-seconds | netty-websocket.reader-idle-time-seconds |
writerIdleTimeSeconds | {prefix}.writer-idle-time-seconds | netty-websocket.writer-idle-time-seconds |
allIdleTimeSeconds | {prefix}.all-idle-time-seconds | netty-websocket.all-idle-time-seconds |
maxFramePayloadLength | {prefix}.max-frame-payload-length | netty-websocket.max-frame-payload-length |
The way of configure favicon is the same as spring-boot.If favicon.ico
is presented in the root of the classpath,it will be automatically used as the favicon of the application.the example is following:
+- main/
+- java/
| + <source code>
+- resources/
+- favicon.ico
The way of configure favicon is the same as spring-boot.you can add a file to an /public/error
folder.The name of the error page should be the exact status code or a series mask.the example is following:
+- main/
+- java/
| + <source code>
+- resources/
+- public/
+- error/
| +- 404.html
| +- 5xx.html
+- <other public assets>
- base on Quick-Start,use annotation
in classes which hope to become a endpoint. - you can get all socket addresses in
. - when there are different addresses(different host or different port) in WebSocket,they will use different
instance. - when the addresses are the same,but path is different,they will use the same
instance. - when multiple port of endpoint is 0 ,they will use the same random port
- when multiple port of endpoint is the same as the path,host can't be set as "",because it means it binds all of the addresses