Visa | 4242424242424242 | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
Visa (debit) | 4000056655665556 | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
Mastercard | 5555555555554444 | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
NOTE: Kindly use accounts with different roles for checking all functionality.
[email protected] | 1234 | SELLER |
[email protected] | 1234 | SELLER |
[email protected] | 1234 | BUYER |
[email protected] | 1234 | BUYER |
- It uses Stripe API for payment processing.
- The user can register as a BUYER or SELLER.
- The user is able to log in account.
- The user is able to get details about account.
- The seller is able to create Stripe account.
- The seller is able to check status of stripe account.
- The buyer is able to get list of purchases.
- The buyer is able to check status of purchases.
- The buyer is able to filter purchases by status, id, month, year and device name.
- The buyer is able to sort purchases by date.
- The seller is able to get list of orders.
- The seller is able to change status of order.
- The seller is able to filter orders by status, year, month, id, phone and device name.
- The seller is able to sort orders by customer and date.
- The seller is able to obtain statistics from devices, orders and customers.
- The seller is able to filter statistics by month and year.
- The seller is able to get full information about day, month and hour of orders.
- The seller is able to obtain statistics by orders cities.
- The seller is able to get statistics by device categories
- The seller is able to get details of charges, payouts and transfers.
- The seller is able to get information about pending and available money.
- The user is able to get list of device comments.
- The buyer is able to add, delete or edit a comment.
- The buyer is able to add a reply to comment.
- The user is able to add devices to comparison.
- The user is able sort rows and columns of comparison table.
- The user is able to get list of recently viewed devices.
- The buyer is able to add devices to cart.
- The buyer is able to delete device from cart.
- The buyer is able to add to cart devices from different sellers and pay for it.
- The user is able to search devices by name.
- The seller is able to create a new device.
- The buyer is able to filter devices by features.
- The buyer is able to pay for devices.
- The buyer is able to evaluate device.
- The user is able to get details about device.
- The user is able to zoom device image.
- The user is able to filter devices by category.