[ISBI 2025] Rethinking Pre-trained Feature Extractor Selection in Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
Accepted to IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2025
- Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6
- 2 NVIDIA A100 GPUs (40GB each)
- CUDA version: 12.2
- Python version: 3.9.18
Install Anaconda
Create a new environment and activate it
conda create --name mil_feat_ext python=3.9.18
conda activate mil_feat_ext
Install all required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117
pip install timm-0.5.4.tar
A. TCGA-NSCLC (Lung Cancer) → Provided by DSMIL, it can be download directly in both 2.5x and 10x magnifications from the following link
B. Camelyon16 → The HS2P project, build on CLAM is utilized for standardized tissue patch extraction. Following default configuration file config/extraction/default.yaml
from the HS2P, below are the most important configurations to note:
- spacing: 0.5 µm/px (~20x magnification)
- tissue_thresh: 0.1
- patch_size: 256
- save_patches_to_disk: True
We follow the official train/test split on the Camelyon16 dataset and take the first 836 entries in datasets_csv/tcga-nsclc.csv
for training and the remaining 210 entries for testing
Below is the example of the TCGA-NSCLC dataset structure after splitting into classes and train/test:
Folder structure
├── data_tcga_lung_tree/
├── train/
├── LUAD/
├── TCGA-4B-A93V-01Z-00-DX1/
├── x1_y1
├── x11_y11.png
├── x12_y12.png
├── x2_y2.png
├── x3_y3.png
├── ...
├── ...
├── LUSC/
├── TCGA-18-3408-01Z-00-DX1/
├── x4_y4
├── x41_y41.png
├── x42_y42.png
├── x5_y5.png
├── x6_y6.png
├── ...
├── ...
├── test/
├── ...
Create a config file under feature_extraction/configs/
with the name as follows: [name of backbone]-[name of pre-training method]-[name of pre-training dataset].yaml
. Below are the examples of config file names:
- resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k (Timm)
- swin_base-supervised-imagenet21k (Timm)
- vit_small16-ssl-dino-imagenet1k (PyTorch Hub)
- resnet50-lunit-ssl-barlow_twins-tcga-tulip (Benchmark SSL Pathology)
A good starting point is to follow the config file below (e.g., resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k.yaml
), making changes only to the sections marked with '#CHANGE' comments (see feature_extraction/configs/
for more details)
Config File
gpu_id: 0 # CHANGE
# Output settings
output_dir_path: 'outputs'
feature_extractor: 'resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k-transform' # CHANGE
resume: False # CHANGE
# Dataset settings
name: 'tcga-nsclc' # CHANGE: ['tcga-nsclc', 'camelyon16']
patch_size: 224 # CHANGE
base_folder_path: '../../feature_extractor_MIL_study/datasets/data_tcga_lung_tree' # CHANGE
slide_data_path: 'slide_data/${dataset.name}.csv'
extracted_summary_path: '../datasets_csv/${dataset.name}/${feature_extractor}.csv'
slide_missing_path: 'slide_missing/${dataset.name}.csv'
- train
- test
classes: # CHANGE
# Model settings
backbone: 'resnet50' # CHANGE
feats_dim: 1024 # CHANGE
# Feature Extraction settings
save_patch_features: False # CHANGE
normalization: 'imagenet' # CHANGE: ['imagenet', 'lunit']
stain_norm_macenko: False
To kick off the feature extraction process using resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k
cd feature_extraction/
python extract_features.py --config-name resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k
This will result in the slide features being stored under feature_extraction/outputs/tcga-nsclc/resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k/
Below are the useful arguments to train MIL models
seed # Seed to reproduce experiments
device # Which GPU for training
num_classes # Depends on the number of positive classes (e.g., camelyon16: 1, tcga-nsclc: 2)
feature_extractor # Name of the feature extractor used
feats_size # Dimension of the feature vector
model # Which MIL model to use ['abmil', 'dsmil', 'transmil', 'DTFD']
distill # Only Used for DTFD-MIL ['MaxMinS', 'MaxS', 'AFS']
To train all four SOTA MIL models with 3 times running (e.g., seed 0, 5, 10) using the previously extracted features (e.g., resnet50-supervised-pretrained-imagenet-1k) is as below (refer to train.sh
cd ..
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 0 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model abmil
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 0 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model dsmil
python train_transmil.py --seed 0 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model transmil
python train_dtfdmil.py --seed 0 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model DTFD --distill MaxMinS
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 5 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model abmil
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 5 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model dsmil
python train_transmil.py --seed 5 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model transmil
python train_dtfdmil.py --seed 5 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model DTFD --distill MaxMinS
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 10 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model abmil
python train_abmil_dsmil.py --seed 10 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model dsmil
python train_transmil.py --seed 10 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model transmil
python train_dtfdmil.py --seed 10 --device cuda:0 --num_classes 2 --dataset tcga-nsclc --feature_extractor resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k --feats_size 1024 --model DTFD --distill MaxMinS
Our code is mainly built from these amazing works IBMIL, ABMIL, DSMIL, TransMIL, DTFD-MIL, HS2P, Re-implementation HIPT