Filters groups by name and duplicate channels that share tvg-id values.
ArubaInstantCertUpdate Public
Code to update Aruba IAP with a new cert when renewal happens. I use this to deploy letsencrypt certificates.
Apollo_m3u_to_strm Public
Converts Apollo Group TV M3U files to STRM files
RDP-Protocol-Handler-Win10 Public
Allows windows 10 to use basic URLs that also work on android/mac from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/remote-desktop-uri
19 UpdatedJun 17, 2021 -
3CXldap2json Public
Allows 3CX to query LDAP for CID lookup via CRM/JSON interface
py-kms Public
Forked from SystemRage/py-kmsKMS Server Emulator written in Python
Python The Unlicense UpdatedJun 4, 2019 -
zabbix-rabbitmq-plugin Public
Forked from bernielomax/zabbix-rabbitmq-pluginA Zabbix plugin for monitoring RabbmitMQ
Python UpdatedMay 30, 2019