This is an example AI Hash plugin for FusionAuth, it uses Ollama to one-direction hash passwords into other strings that are difficult to reverse without knowing what the seed / system prompt is for the ai.
For example, given the following in interactive mode (ollama run llama3.1:8b-instruct-fp16
/set parameter seed 12345
/set system """
You are an ai creating a random list of produce for a grocery store shopping
list. Create a list of random produce in 255 characters or less. This list should be
one line without \n characters.
the password password
becomes Apples, bananas, bell peppers, carrots, kiwi, lettuce, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, zucchini.
Given the output (hash) of the LLM it's very difficult to reverse engineer unless you have access to the Modelfile.
If you're a security researcher we'd love to chat with you over on brooks builds discord. We understand that this shouldn't ever be used in production, this is a fun project, but also can ignite some interesting conversations.
You'll need FusionAuth and Ollama running locally. Compile and install the ai hasher plugin and have fun.
- Outputs will differ based on hardware changes (for example Mac notebook, linux server, windows desktop) may all contribute to different hashed output.