This repositry creates a NuGet package containing the SpatiaLite extension to SQLite.
Currently, only Windows binaries are provided. There are limitations that prevent this mechanism from working on Mac OS and Linux. We reccomend using a software package manager like Homebrew or APT on other platforms.
# Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
# Mac OS
brew install libspatialite
Some users may experience segmentation faults with newer versions of PROJ (a dependency of SpatiaLite). You can work around these issues by installing a custom build of SpatiaLite that disables PROJ support.
curl | tar -xz
cd libspatialite-4.3.0a
if [[ `uname -s` == Darwin* ]]; then
# Mac OS requires some minor patching
sed -i "" "s/shrext_cmds='\`test \\.\$module = .yes && echo .so \\|\\| echo \\.dylib\`'/shrext_cmds='.dylib'/g" configure
./configure --disable-proj
make install-strip