⛔ This repository has been archived! Official support has been added in EF7. See Custom Reverse Engineering Templates in the EF docs.
This sample shows how to use T4 templates to scaffold code when reverse engineering a model from a database using EF Core.
This repo contains three projects:
Project | Description |
ChinookApp | An example app containing the scaffolded DbContext type, configuration, and entity types |
ChinookDatabase | The database project for our example app |
EFCore.TextTemplating | Contains the T4 templates and required plumbing to hook them into EF Core. Copy into your solution to get started |
ChinookApp references EFCore.TextTemplating and contains an assembly-level attribute that EF Core uses to discover its design-time services. Your app needs to do this too:
[assembly: DesignTimeServicesReference(
"EFCore.TextTemplating.DesignTimeServices, EFCore.TextTemplating")]
ChinookApp also references the EF Core tools and my pluralizer extension to enhance the scaffolded code and ErikEJ.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Dacpac from the EF Core Power Tools to reverese engineer directly from a DACPAC.
EFCore.TextTemplating contains three templates: one for scaffolding the DbContext, one for the IEntityTypeConfiguration implementations, and one for the entity types.
The templates in this repo are merely a starting point. Feel free to tweak them to your heart's content. The resulting code is a little ugly, but I refrained from adding formatting code to keep the templates as simple as possible. I scaffold the code I would want to use, so only the parts of the model that actually affect EF Core behavior are scaffolded. Things like sequences, constraint names, and non-unique indexes are ignored.
⚠Warning! Staring directly at a T4 template without syntax highlighting may hurt your eyes. I recommend using the Devart T4 Editor for Visual Studio or T4 Support by Zachary Becknell for VS Code.
If you're using Visual Studio, merely saving the template files is enough.
If you're using VS Code, you'll need to use dotnet-t4 after editing the files:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-t4
t4 MyDbContextGenerator.tt -c MyDbContextGenerator -o MyDbContextGenerator.cs
Reverse engineering the model can be done in the normal way:
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold \
../ChinookDatabase/bin/Debug/ChinookDatabase.dacpac \
ErikEJ.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Dacpac \
--output-dir Models \
--context-dir Data \
Scaffold-DbContext `
..\ChinookDatabase\bin\Debug\ChinookDatabase.dacpac `
ErikEJ.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Dacpac `
-OutputDir Models `
-ContextDir Data `
In addition to all the usual T4 goodness, the following helpers are also available.
Method | Description |
AnnotationCode.IsHandledByConvention | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation would be handled by convention. If so, generating code is unnecessary |
AnnotationCode.GenerateFluentApi | Generates provider-specific fluent API for the given annotation (like .IsClustered() ) |
Code.Fragment | Generates code from fragments returned by the ProviderCode and AnnotationCode helpers |
Code.Identifier | Generates a valid identifier unique within the given scope |
Code.Lambda | Generates a property access lambda |
Code.Literal | Generates a literal for given value |
Code.Namespace | Generates a valid namespace from its given parts |
Code.Reference | Generates a C# reference to the given type |
Code.UnknownLiteral | Generates a literal for a value whose type isn't known at compile time |
ProviderCode.GenerateUseProvide | Generates the DbContextOptions code to configure the provider (like .UseSqlServer("Data Source=...") ) |
For example:
builder.HasKey(<#= Code.Lambda(primaryKey.Properties) #>);
builder.HasKey(x => x.Id);