All roles and playbooks required to fully deploy our system components
clone: git clone --recurese-submodules <url>
update: git pull --recurse-submodules
- ensure Ansible is present on management host:
pip3 install ansible
- target host(s) accessible over SSH (or other possible connection protocol)
- all hosts are configured in the inventory file hosts
Development playbooks are in the dev directory. These playbooks are dependent on an existing LXC container defined in the hosts file.
- setup
(e.g. ansible-role-lxd) - run the dev_container.yml playbook
- it creates and starts the dev container 'pseudo-raspbian'
Now you have a running instance of a Debian buster LXC container, which will host all applications.
- run any of the dev playbooks as specified in the Exmaple on the bottom of this README.
If you're not on Linux or you don't want to use LXC containers.
- modify the hosts file to your need
- change the target host in each playbook you use
Production playbooks are in the prod directory. These playbooks are dependent on a accessible Raspberry pi.
- Raspberry pi accessible over SSH host
as specified in the hosts file. (configured in~/.ssh/config
on the ansible host)- NOTE: this requirement is more specific to eliminate any skeleton modifications
Host brewmaster-pi
Port 22
User pi
- use the master playbook to deploy the whole brewmaster system
- possible role variables can be configured in the host variables
cd ansible-skeleton/
ansible-playbook playbooks/dev/brewmasters_backend.yml
# or
ansible-playbook playbooks/prod/master.yml
'-i <path_to_inventory>' option
- specifies the path to an inventory file
- contains all target hostnames (example inventory)
'-K' option
option which is often requirement in case of privilege escalation
'-C' option
- runs a playbook in a check mode. Meaning no action is really done on the target system
'-D' option
- runs a playbook in 'diff' mode. Shows differences in configuration files and other
refer to other options in the official ansible-playbook docs