Eclipse hawkBit is an domain independent back end solution for rolling out software updates to constrained edge devices as well as more powerful controllers and gateways connected to IP based networking infrastructure.
- Want to chat with the team behind hawkBit?
- Having issues with hawkBit? Open a GitHub issue.
- You can also check out our Project Homepage for further contact options.
We offer a sandbox installation that is free for everyone to try out hawkBit. However, keep in mind that the sandbox database will be reset from time to time. It is also not possible to upload any artifacts into the sandbox. But you can use it to try out the Management UI, Management API and DDI API.
We are not providing an off the shelf installation ready hawkBit update server. However, we recommend to check out the Example Application for a runtime ready Spring Boot based update server that is empowered by hawkBit. In addition we have guide for setting up a complete landscape.
Next to the Example Application we are also providing a set of Spring Boot Starters to quick start your own Spring Boot based application.
$ git clone
$ cd hawkbit
$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar ./examples/hawkbit-example-app/target/hawkbit-example-app-#version#.jar
$ java -jar ./examples/hawkbit-device-simulator/target/hawkbit-device-simulator-#version#.jar
$ java -jar ./examples/hawkbit-example-mgmt-simulator/target/hawkbit-example-mgmt-simulator-#version#.jar
- We are currently working on the first formal release under the Eclipse banner: 0.1 (see Release 0.1 branch).
- The master branch contains future development towards 0.2. We are currently focusing on:
- Rollout Management for large scale rollouts.
- Clustering capabilities for the update server.
- Upgrade of Spring Boot and Vaadin dependencies.
- And of course tons of usability improvements and bug fixes.