Auxiliary Data Gathering Service (ADGS).
You will need to have the following installed locally to deploy locally the ADGS system:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- p7zip-full
If you're running Docker for Desktop for macOS or Windows, Docker Compose is already included in your installation.
- Download DEC, minArc and BOA images from the following folder:
- Uncompress images using '7za' and 'tar'
- Load images using 'docker load'
- Execute the following commands
# useradd -m -o -r -u 10000 -g 10000 boa
# useradd -m -o -r -u 2020 -g 2020 adgs
# export PATH_TO_FOLDERS=/data/adgs/adgs_monitoring
# mkdir -p $PATH_TO_FOLDERS
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/boa_ddbb
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/log
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/minarc_archive
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/orc_ddbb
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/rboa_archive
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/intray_boa
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/boa_certificates_and_secret_key
# mkdir $PATH_TO_FOLDERS/prometheus_ddbb
# chown boa:boa boa_certificates_and_secret_key log/ intray_boa/ minarc_archive/ rboa_archive/
# chown adgs:adgs prometheus_ddbb/
# docker compose -f compose.yml --env-file env/localhost_env up -d
# docker exec -it -u root app_boa_localhost /bin/bash
# source scl_source enable rh-ruby27; -e -o -s -u -y