Third Flutter Project to practice. A chat app, which uses Firebase as auth and database service. Resource video
- Sign In and Register pages
- Last UI configurations before setting Firebase up
I realized that setting everything in database with Firestore will be difficult and will take much longer than I thought. So I'm releasing a pre 0.2 version where you can see the last updates and then starting a new tutorial to learn more about Firestore. Development will be on pause until I feel confident about how to set Firestore properly.
- NEW: Authentication with Firebase auth
- NEW: Show/hide password button
- NEW: Setting Username page - where you'll be able to set your username if it's not set yet -not working properly
- NEW: A dummy Home page - where you'll be able to see your chats and friends -not working properly
- NEW: A Search page - where you'll be able to search anything inside the app, like a word in a chat, a friend or any user -not working at all
- IMPROVEMENT: Email and password validation
- REPLACED: PageView and BottomNavigationBar >> TabBarView and TabBar
- REMOVED: Menu button and Drawer
I just pushed it to save the project before trying some big changes.
- Updates will be declared in the next patch.