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Session Notes
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bombasticSlacks committed Jan 28, 2025
1 parent 993c345 commit 1ea8d99
Showing 9 changed files with 220 additions and 7 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Game/Blocks/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
{: .label .label-green }

{: .label .label-purple }
#### Adrenaline Response
After suffering an [Injury](Core/Injury) that would make you [Wounded](Core/Effects#Wounded), you immediately get to take an additional [Combat Turn](Core/Terminology#Combat%20Turn). After this [Combat Turn](Core/Terminology#Combat%20Turn), you then return to the standard [Action Order](Game/Core/Combat#Action%20Order) ignoring your last action.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Game/Worlds/Goose/
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ grand_parent: Worlds
## Ideas
* Fight on boat, then maybe fight the other ship, not sure.

## Year 1332 Winter 27th -
## Year 1332 Winter 27th - Spring 2nd
* Teleported onto another. after 1 failure, return crystal is fizzled.
* On a higher deck, a large dire rat captain, with a flamboyantly large hat.
* First mate up there as well on the balista
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions Game/Worlds/Goose/
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
layout: default
title: Session 22
parent: Goose World
nav_order: 3
grand_parent: Worlds
# Session 22
## Ideas
* Fire spirits, from volcanic erruption. Maybe just have volcanno dribbling
* Heading back to down, present more problems. Perhaps there are issues in the wastes south of the cities.

## Year 1332 Spring 2nd -
* 2nd downtime
* Rei On Watch
* Casey Routine Maintenance
* Mal Scavenge
* Bront Scout
* Made it to mournhold on the 7th of spring
* Doing a Downtime from 7th-12th
* Rei Master Shaper Training
* Casey Worked as doctor (2 silver)
* Mal 2xp on adrenaline response
* Bront enchanting a box
* Doing a report for the Corporal
* Cult city is going to receed, become reflexive.
* Going to try to gain the assistance of allies.
* Mal + Bront talking to the mages
* Casey wants to talk to the harvesters and the vampire
* Casey writes letter to [Darcellus](Game/Worlds/Goose/Mournest#Darcellus) asking for assistance with stuff. Letter filled w. hearts.
* Harvesters in town to talk to.
* Mages need to be talked to with presentation.
* Bront and Mal gonna need 2 days to prep before presentation. Applying for join municipality university grant to blow up cult city.
* Rei coming back to the [The Stubbed Toe](Game/Worlds/Goose/Mornhold#The%20Stubbed%20Toe) tomorrow to meet some mercenaries out of work
* Casey goes to see harvesters didn't get anywhere.
* Rei is going to meet with the mercenaries in town, try to find some. Tries
* Casey wants to find something interesting
* found [Sella Of The Kingdom (she/they)](Game/Worlds/Goose/Mornhold#Sella%20Of%20The%20Kingdom%20(she/they)), was healing the sick. Gave a signet ring and a drop of kingdoms dew.


## Rewards

## Scratch
### Flow
* Your character automatically succeeds at an Ascendancy skill test, but is non-functional until the end of the scene.

## Characters


## To Do
* Stem sent a message to Rigor
* Itemize Flow.
* Itemize The Focus, Give reloading with materials a keyword.
* Add "fast reload" training.
* Move to roll20
* Give Stem 12 Silver


## Hooks


## Monsters

## Combat

16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions Game/Worlds/Goose/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ nav_order: 0
has_children: false
# Mornhold
{: .no_toc }

City with some intrigue. Capital of Bells Edge.
## Lore
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ He works on plants at the [Mage Warriors](#Mage%20Warriors). Has picked the anci

The military man who they helped to defeat the Cardinal.

## Dres Snider (She/Her)
## Dres Snider (She/Her)
a helpful Prole, who wants to fix problems no matter the cost, and is obsessed with someone famous. They have bald black hair, brown eyes, have dark skin. Has a slight homey accent.

Dressed like a bloodborne hunter, shortsword and bow.
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ Knows of Darcellus.

Famed monster hunter.

## Cpt. Firebrand
## Cpt. Firebrand
Firey red hair short, braided red beard.

Shoutey Booming Voice.
@@ -109,6 +108,17 @@ Massive wizards guild. Mageknights are housed here. Huge mural of a knight makin

Mage Warriors waiting room is clerical has a large smokey mirror that is magic (answering machine). Nasaly, older woman with thick frames.

### The Stubbed Toe
Adventurers bar / inn in town.

### Last Light
Home for the deathly ill

#### Sella Of The Kingdom (she/they)
a being of celestial energy with slit like eyes that move freely about their face. Feminine figure wrapped in robes.

Calm, mysterious.

### Red Letter
A punk / art bar very counter culture.

10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion Game/Worlds/Goose/
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@@ -7,4 +7,12 @@ grand_parent: Worlds

# The Harvesters
The Harvesters are hunters/monster slayers/ecologists attempting to maintain the impossible balance of humanoids with monsters/animals. Advocating for ecosystem maintenance and destroying displaced monsters.
The Harvesters are hunters/monster slayers/ecologists attempting to maintain the impossible balance of humanoids with monsters/animals. Advocating for ecosystem maintenance and destroying displaced monsters.

Lowest rank is "Neophyte"


Radoslav Aiolfi (he/him) older greying gentlemen.
Rolling Mountain "Roll" (they/them)
Eric Michaud (he/they)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ Typical holy warrior, would be capable of some [Miracles and Prayers](The-Holy-O

Located at [Calphion](Calphion), an influential (second in command) at the church there.

### Unresting Faith
Counts as on watch, can't be ambushed at night.

## Caius

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ grand_parent: Worlds
* Lord Of The Dead boss fight
* Void Staff, Shadow Topper (marks people with darkness, can detonate corpses?) 5(-1), Impact, Penetrating. Counts as a focus.
* Damned Crown - Can speak to the dead, see the dead(?)
## Calphion 12 Winter - 14 Winter
## Calphion 12 Winter - 19 Winter
* Cleared the rooms, defeated the boss easily.
* Maria asked them to join at the Zinatu camp.
* Headed back to calphion, going to the church
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
layout: default
title: Session 30
parent: Post Calamity
nav_order: 1
grand_parent: Worlds
## Session 30

## Ideas

## Calphion 19 Winter - 24 Winter
* Downtime from 19th till 24th:
* Arturas and Alexander build the car
* Vespin Finished master Arcane
* Greg honing skills to connection
* Alexander got [Ignis Lux](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Alexander-Aurelius#Ignis%20Lux) to join.
* Wagon is completed, fully mechanized, with battery.
* Name is the "Sans Equine"
* Metalic and armoured
* No longer requires horses/horse power
* Shield generator is incorporated and always on.
* double speed over normal. Alexander can blow 1 power per day to move at 4x speed.
* 2 dedicated seats for people during travel.
* Alexanders sword is:
* 3 dam (-1) with multiple damage types and a special version of multiple damage types for fire/cold/life.
* Updates on the world:
* Nothing exciting in the west side of the map
* [Keddy (She/Her)](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Gladepool#Keddy%20(She/Her)) said that "when the time comes the glade will be ready"
* [Verdantholm](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Verdantholm) there is news of underworld unrest.
* Caught up with [Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Verdantholm#Roxy%20(Roxanne)%20la%20Croix) about her underworld fighting, making contact with [Talon Greggor The Third (he/him)](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Calphion#Talon%20Greggor%20The%20Third%20(he/him))
* Traveling 4 days (2 days) 24-26th of Winter
* Ignis is on guard
* Vespin Scavenge, Made a shield
* Alexander Scout, Socialize
* Arturas Production Work, Production Work, Socialize
* Greg Socialize
* Next time we are starting at the Zinatu camp.
### Rewards
### Characters

### To Do

* [Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Verdantholm#Roxy%20(Roxanne)%20la%20Croix) will think on who would make a good leader of the merchants.
* Arturas looked at the autocarraige specs that Xen had, discuss costs of carraige.
* Simple Greg, writes a letter to [Mo Joe (he/him)](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Verdantholm#Mo%20Joe%20(he/him)) to ask about the observations about natural escalation.
* Update games kit, doesn't do anything any more.
* Games kit lets 1 person socialize for free as long as you do.
* Itemize the loot from the dungeon.
* Name sword.
* Finish rules for the void staff.
* Ignis combat stats + traps.

### Hooks

### Monsters

### Damned Husk
Basic enemy, attack (+3, [Impact](Game/Core/Injury#Impact), 3)
### Undead Thugs (The Damned)
*Remains of people brought back to life. Move and act as they would have when alive. *
(4, mixed, 2) 6 integrity, weak to life.
Trap: can't react if you just meleed them.
Trait: Undying, need to be killed to be stopped.

### Lord Of The Damned

| Move | Integrity | Weakness (! is vitals only) | Resistance (! is ancillary only) |
| --------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| [Short](Game/Core/Movement#Short) | 20 | [Heat](Game/Core/Injury#Heat)!, [Life](Game/Core/Injury#Life) | Physical! |

#### Actions
* [Attack](Game/Core/Blocks/Attack)(+5, [Piercing](Game/Core/Injury#Piercing), 6) leaves residual darkness which deals 1 armour damage when you act if you don't pass a volition skill test.
* Confine To Darkness - Opponent must make a (-3) volition or be stunned.
* Spread Darkness - Destroy an ally to deal 6 [Life](Game/Core/Injury#Life) damage in an [Area](Game/Core/Blocks/Area).
#### Traits
* Everywhere - Cannot be outnumbered.
* Hard To Avoid - (-2) to reactions.
#### Traps
* Corpse Guards - 50% chance when attacked an undead thug is summoned in its place.


### Scratch Space\

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Owns a bar here. The Donkey's Dram
*clean well kept skin but tanned and calloused. Grey eyes and blonde / red hair. Wears banded plate / hood and carries a full blown service revolver (5 shots) and a cudgel.*
Was born the daughter of a minor merchant family in Verdantholm, but while she was still a child, her family was crushed by the plotting of one of the larger merchant groups. Her father was killed as a result of the schemes, leaving her to fend for her ailing mother and younger sibling on her own, with hardly a silver to their name. Her mother passed away after a few years of poverty, but she manages to provide for her sibling with the charisma you'd expect from the daughter of a merchant family, and the newfound guile and flexible morals necessitated by poverty. She eventually learns that her family's downfall was orchestrated by someone, however she has still yet to find out who. Once she learns this, her actions shifted from just survival to revenge, and she gradually took control of the loose connections between the thieves and other miscreants that were loosely referred to as the Exchange, shaping it into something more organized, with herself at the top. Under her leadership, some members realized that in a city of merchants and mages, gold and jewels were not the only prizes, and certain members of the Exchange steal and trade in information, a powerful commodity that allows them to survive despite the relative notoriety that has been accruing. From The Exchange headquarters, Roxy takes her revenge against the merchants of Verdantholm, still seeking the ones that lead her family to ruin.

* Alexander mentioned that the [Talon Greggor The Third (he/him)](Game/Worlds/Post-Calamity/Calphion#Talon%20Greggor%20The%20Third%20(he/him)) is amenable to the plan.

### One Eye
*Bald mass of muscle, with a great sword, crossbow and sword. Like a tightly wound spring.*
[Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix](#Roxy%20(Roxanne)%20la%20Croix) right hand.

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