This is our fully-featured, simple to use template for new Nuxt projects. Not only it includes everything your need to get started, from the basics to the most advanced features, but it also keeps everything organized through modern coding conventions.
We recommend using Netlify or Vercel as your web hosting provider. You can check out our template here.
All you need to do is click on the Use this template button. When your repo is created, wait at least 20 seconds until the running action ends.
- Nuxt 3 for building the project.
- ESLint and Prettier for code formatting.
- Iconify and Font Loader for faster development.
- Husky for pre-commit hooks.
- Pinia for state management.
- Playwright for end-to-end testing.
- TailwindCSS for writing efficient CSS.
- Vitest for unit testing.
- VueUse for useful composition functions.
- Issues templates.
- Production and Preview environments with automated deployments.
- Releases with auto-generated release notes.
- CI GitHub workflows.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Rami Menai - @menai_rami - [email protected]