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An API for access to the MerkOr semantic database for Icelandic


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Version 0.8

Copyright 2012 Anna Björk Nikulásdóttir


Contact: [email protected]

MerkOrCore is an API for the access of MerkOr, a semantic database for Icelandic.


MerkOrCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The MerkOr project was funded by a grant from the Icelandic Research Fund (RANNÍS), grant nr. 090662011, Viable Language Technology beyond English - Icelandic as a test case.

About MerkOr

MerkOr is an automatically constructed semantic database for Icelandic. The basic elements of the database are:

  • lexical item. Contains an id, a 'lemma' (=word string), sense number and a wordclass.
  • [id=109799, lemma=skúr_1, wordclass=noun]
  • relation. A relation connects two lexical items with a relation type (see next). Each relation has a confidence score associated to it, the higher this score, the better / more representative the relation.
  • [id=893, from_item_id=52069, relation_id=7, to_item_id=34948, confidence_score=366.806]
  • relation type. Specifies the type of relationship between two lexical items
  • [id=7, name=coord_noun, description=og]
  • cluster. A cluster is an ordered list of lexical items belonging to the same semantic domain. Each item in a cluster has a score
    associated to it, indicating how well the item fits the corresponding cluster. Less than 10,000 items belong to a cluster.

The MerkOrCore API and command line interface can be used to query this data

  • Does a word belong to more than one lexical item?
  • Which relations exist for a certain word?
  • What are the relations with the highest confidence score for a certain word?
  • What are the relations with the highest confidence score for a certain relation type?
  • To which cluster(s) does a word belong to?
  • Are there clusters representing some certain semantic domain (like ÍÞRÓTTIR*)?
  • Which lexical items are connected to a certain domain?
  • etc. See instructions below!

Getting started

Note that MerkOrCore is developed and tested under Mac OS X only, please report any problems with other platforms!


The MerkOr data is stored in Redis format. Redis is available at (installation instructions under The Redis data is included in this package as dump.rdb.bz2. After you have installed Redis, unpacked and loaded the MerkOr data, you can try it out directly in Redis command line interface, (in the Redis directory start src/redis-cli), for example:

redis> smembers merkor_is_lemma_lampi
1) "merkor_is_id_45966"
redis> hgetall merkor_is_id_45966
1) "lemma"
2) "lampi"
3) "wordclass"
4) "noun"

This assures you that the MerkOr data is loaded but you don't have to study redis-cli to use the MerkOrCore API. For those interested in inspecting the data directly, for example with redis-cli, the structure of the Redis data is shown in the file merkor_redis_structure.txt.

MerkOrCore API

See the java-doc in folder doc in this project.

MerkOrCore command line interface

In the initial project state a file MerkOrCore.jar is included in the release folder. I recommend, however, to rebuild the project by typing ant in the folder you saved the project to (preferably MerkOrCore).

Before running MerkOrCore, either as a command line interface or as an API, make sure the Redis server is running!.

In the directory of MerkOrCore.jar type:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -help

to see the parameters available.

The default configuration for Redis implemented in MerkOrCore is "localhost" and port 6379. If you have another configuration you have to use the -host and -port parameters to specify it.

Possible combinations:

Get all items for a lemma

Some words (=lemma) belong to more than one lexical item, e.g. because they have different wordclasses or different gender. To see if this is true for a lemma in MerkOr, type:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -items <lemma>

Typing skúr as lemma, which exists both as a noun with gender mask. and fem., should give the result:

lexical item: [id=109799, lemma=skúr_1, wordclass=noun]
lexical item: [id=112793, lemma=skúr_1, wordclass=noun]

Get relations for a lemma

To get all relations containing the given lemma, type:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -relations <lemma>

All relations have a confidence score. The higher this score, the likelier the relation. You can add a number parameter and thus only get the top n relations according to the confidence score:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -relations <lemma> -n <integer>

Requesting relations for a lemma always returns relations for all items the lemma belongs to. Thus requesting for example the top 10 relations for skúr returns two lists of ten relations for each item skúr belongs to.

You can get all relations of a certain type, having a certain lemma as its left or right element:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -rel_from <lemma> -rel_type <relation_type>


java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -rel_to <lemma> -rel_type <relation_type>

Try for example the lemma 'heitur' as -rel_from and the relation type 'lýsir' as relation type. All relation types are listed in merkor_relation_types.csv. All names in this file can be used as arguments for -rel_type, just be sure to use " or ' around names containing spaces.

To see if two words are related, use -rel_from and -rel_to:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -rel_from <lemma1> -rel_to <lemma2>

Get relations by type

All relation types are listed in merkor_relation_types.csv. All names in this file can be used as arguments for -rel_type, just be sure to use " or ' around names containing spaces. Get the n relations of a certain type with the highest confidence score:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -rel_type <relation type> -n <integer>

If you don't specify the number of relation maximum 100 relations will be displayed (some relation types do not have that many relations, in these cases all relations are shown).

Clusters and domains

A cluster is a automatically constructed set of semantically related words. Most of them have been assigned a domain name, like 'ÍÞRÓTTIR' (='SPORTS') or 'FJÁRMÁL' (='FINANCE'). These names are not unique for a cluster (they have a unique id), so some domain names may have more than one cluster associated to it.

Get all cluster names:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -clusters

Names in upper case are domain names assigned by the author, names in lower case represent clusters that do not have a domain name assigned to them. A lower case name is the central word of its cluster and thus gives an idea about the domain of the cluster.

Get a cluster by its id:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -cluster_id <cluster_id>

Get clusters by name / regular expression ('?' and '*' are allowed wildcards):

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -clusters_matching <regex>

Get clusters containing a lemma:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -clusters_having <lemma>

Get domains a lemma belongs to:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -domains_having <lemma>

Compare for example the output of the two last commands using the lemma 'skip'.

Get all items belonging to a certain domain (try this one for example for the domain 'skip'):

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -items_for_domain <domain>

Get all items belonging to a certain cluster:

java -jar MerkOrCore.jar -items_for_cluster <cluster id>

For this command you need to know the id of the cluster you want to inspect. Call -clusters_matching to get ids of clusters matching the domain you're interested in. You can also use any integer between 1 and 305 if you are not interested in a particular cluster.

The output shows the items, cluster name and id, and values. Value is between 0.25 and 1.0, the higher the better the item fits into the cluster.


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An API for access to the MerkOr semantic database for Icelandic







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