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Working with RandomForest in python and R to improve motif discovery

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The latest pipeline uses SciPy to determine enrichment, Numpy and Pandas for dataframe management, and SciKit Learn for RandomForest (via ML-pipeline Github repository).

Original pipeline used python for processing dataframes and R for running Random Forest. For those instructions see bottom of the document (Python & R Pipeline).

Kmer finding and ML predictions

Get positive and negative examples from log FC data set

  1. Get up-reg gene list (logFC >= 1, adj. p-val < 0.05), dwn-reg gene list (logFC <= -1, adj. p-val < 0.05), and negative gene list (logFC <= 0.1, adj. p-val > 0.05; logFC >= -0.1, adj. p-val > 0.05).

File needs to have a header, genes in first column and a log FC and p-value. Must indicate what columns are logFC and p-value

python ~/Github/MotifDiscovery/cluster_scripts/ <logFC data with p-val> <indice with logFC> <indice with p-value>

python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/cluster_scripts/ sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt 1 2
  1. If you need to get clusters from a cluster file that have specific genes # this is not a necessary step

     python <gene1,gene2,gene3,etc.> <cluster file> <output filename>
  2. Get fasta file for promoter

    get promoter coordinates based on transcription start site (TSS)

     python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ -f gff_prom_to_coord2 -gff <gff file>
     output: gfffile.coord

    get promoter coordinates based on TSS and 5' UTR

     python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ -f gff_prom_to_coord_5utr -gff <gff file>
     python -f gff_prom_to_coord_5utr -gff sample_data/TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt

    get fasta sequence using coords file and genome fasta # the genome file in the sample data is not complete- download from TAIR

     python ~/Github/ -f get_stretch4 -coords <gfffile.coord> -fasta <genome_fastafile>
     python -f get_stretch4 -coords sample_data/TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord  -fasta sample_data/TAIR10_Athaliana_genome.fa 
     output: TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord.fa
  3. Set up your input files:

Put cluster file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence: # Note: Using TAIR10_upstream1000_allgenes.fa promoter file because TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord.fa will be incomplete if you use sample genome

cd FastaFiles/
cp [pos_examples] ./

python -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [pos examples]

python -f getseq2 -name sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up.txt  -fasta sample_data/TAIR10_upstream1000_allgenes.fa

Put negative example file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence.

cp [neg_examples]
python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [neg examples]

Get enriched kmers

  1. Get enriched kmer dataframe using Fisher's Exact Test

    python ~/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -pos <pos fasta> -neg <neg fasta> -k 6mer.txt -save <name of output files>


     -pos_str  String for what codes for the positive example (Default = 1)
     -neg_str  String for what codes for the negative example (Default = 0)
     -k        List of kmers to start with (/mnt/home/azodichr/ML_Python/6mers.txt or 5mers.txt)
     -pval     P-value cut off for Fisher's exact test (Default = 0.01)
     -FDR      Default: N. Designate (Y/N) if you want to run FDR correction during enrichment test


     -SAVE_df_pPVAL.txt       Dataframe that goes into ML-pipeline
     python -pos sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up.txt.fa -neg sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_neg.txt.fa -k sample_data/6mer.txt -save diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up_p0.01.txt

    can submit to HP computer or run on laptop (typically ~3 minutes per cluster. Unix loop example:

     for i in *pos.fa; do echo $i; python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -pos $i -neg neg.fa -k 6mer.txt -save random; done

Machine learning

Use ML Pipeline (most recent version) here to get class predictions (see ML-pipeline

Post-ML analysis

ML result overlap

sum ML results in folder. OPTIONAL: -matrix T or F ; T if you want F-measures of each run summed in a matrix to make into a heatmap

    python -f <path to folder with .results.txt files> -name <name of output file> -matrix <T or F>

kmer-importance score overlap

sum importance files to get overlap of important kmers across multiple runs

    python <folder with imp files> <output filename>

Sequence similarity between pCREs and CIS-BP/DAP-Seq motifs

Using MEME-suite

  1. Download and install MEME-suite

    1. Download:
    2. Installation instructions:
  2. Installation on mac:

    1. use anaconda to install python 2.7

    Create python 2.7 environment

     conda create --name py27 python=2.7

    Activate environment

     source activate py27
    1. change to meme directory and check dependencies

      cd meme-5.2.0
      cd scripts/
    2. install any/all depedencies. try

      sudo cpan <library>


      sudo port install <library>
    1. configure and make (in meme-5.2.0 folder)

      ./configure --prefix=$HOME/meme --with-url= --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt
      make test
      make install
    2. check installation in bash profile

      nano ~/.bash_profile
  3. Convert previous TAMO files to meme files (this is the case for TFBM and DAPseq sites) and kmers to memes

    1. Add source/motif name to tamo file

      python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ <tamo file> <original index file>
      python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/
    2. convert tamo to meme

      tamo2meme <tamo file> > <meme output>
      /Users/Beth/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/scripts/tamo2meme >
    3. convert kmers to memes using iupac2meme from meme suite

    no arguments, just run in folder where imp files are

         python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/

    a meme file is created for each imp file

  4. correlate kmer meme files to TFBM or DAPseq meme files using tomtom

     ~/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/src/tomtom [options] <query motif file> <target motif file>+
     ~/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/src/tomtom -o Sp_0.7_2091_mRNA5utr_tomtom_out Sp_brachy_clusters_0.7_2091.txt_v3.2.2.txt_mRNA5utr.fa_random1_df_p0.01.txt_nodups.txt_LogReg_imp_meme.txt
  5. sum tomtom output to make consensus sequence from kmers that map to the same motif

    default uses a p-value of less than 0.01 as cutoff. Otherwise cutoff can be input as -pval or -qval

     python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -dir ./

    output is fasta file that can be used as input to ggseqlogo.R to form consensus

Motif PCC distance using TAMO

  1. generate TAMO file based on motif sequence module load TAMO

    python [motif list]

    python kmers10.txt

  2. command will divide the tamo files and also generate the command_line files(named “runcc”). Tamo 2 is the Athaliana file

     python /mnt/home/seddonal/scripts/5_motif_merging/ create_cc_2 -t [tamo_file_1] -t2 [tamo_file_2]


python create_cc_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2

File from:



python /mnt/home/seddonal/scripts/5_motif_merging/ create_cc_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2

File from:

  1. Run the command line from step 2 using qsub_hpcc

     python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f submit -c runcc -mo TAMO

check for failed jobs:

    python check_outputs -c runcc

output is a distance matrix, where the lower the number, the closer the distance (more similar the sequence)

  • Make sure all CIS-BP jobs finish running before moving on - the job files will overwrite eachother ** Fix this bug later!
  1. Merge the outputs into one matrix

     python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t [tamo_file_1] -t2 [tamo_file_2]


     python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2


     python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2
  2. In Excel add the column and row labels. Colums are the motifs from t2 in order of "" and “DAP_motifs.txt.tm_index” respectively; the row represent the motifs from "t1"; the order is based on “kmers.txt”

final PCC distance files:
  1. get enriched TF families

         python [TF family file] [merged distance matrix from step 4]
         TF family file:

Old Python & R Pipeline (useful for doing paired kmer enrichment) Contains functions to make lists of paired kmers, make data frames of what genes contain those motifs, and run Fisher's Exact test to determine enrichment of those kmers/kmer pairs in the positive genes. RandomForest.R: Runs Random Forest on input dataframe. 10 replicates and 10 fold cross validation.

What you need:

• File with all your positive examples (naming scheme will be based off the name of the positive example file, so make sure that makes sense and isn't too long) • File with all your negative examples • Fasta file with all gene promoter regions.

If you already have fasta files of positive and neg examples, skip steps 2-3.

*Anytime you log in to HPC and want to use the pipeline you have to first run:

export   PATH=/mnt/home/azodichr/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

Scripts: /mnt/home/azodichr/GitHub/MotifDiscovery/

1. Set Up Your Files:

  1. Inside directory for Pairwise experiment make directories for FASTA files and Motif Lists:
  • mkdir FastaFiles
  • mkdir MotifLists
  1. Put cluster file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence:
  • cd FastaFiles/
  • cp [pos_examples] .
  • python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [pos examples]
  • For arabidopsis you can use: /mnt/home/azodichr/01_DualStress_At/TAIR10_upstream1000_Alex_20101104.mod.fa
  1. Put negative example file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence.
  • cp [neg_examples] . #For Random Forest you want a 1:1 ratio of positive and negative examples, if 73 genes in cluster, randomly select 73 negative examples.
  • python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [neg examples]
  • For arabidopsis you can use: /mnt/home/azodichr/01_DualStress_At/TAIR10_upstream1000_Alex_20101104.mod.fa
  1. Make singleton and paired kmer list. Reverse complement sequences are separated by “.”, pairs separated by a space (k = length of kmer you want):
  • cd ../MotifLists
  • python -f make_pairs2 –k 5
  • python -f make_pairs2 –k 6

2. Make presence/absence dataframes and do enrichment

The work flow here is 1) Make df with all kmers/pairs. 2) Make list of enriched kmers/pairs. 3) Remake df with just those enriched kmers/pairs.

  1. Make data frame with presence or absence of all kmer/kmer pair:
  • python -f make_df –k [ListOfKmers] -p [positive fasta files] -n [negative fasta files]
  • If you want to add DNA structure information to your prediction ask me. It didn't add much to my prediction...
  1. If you want all the motifs move on to step 4, otherwise parse your motifs using Fisher's Exact Test:
  • python -f parse_df –df [output df from step 5] OPTIONAL: -pval <Default is 0.05>
  1. Re-make data frame with only enriched motifs:
  • python -f make_df –k [output from step 6, ending in: “_sig_0.05.txt”] -p [positive fasta files] -n [negative fasta files]

3. Run Random Forest

####Method 1: Using scikit learn in python See 'If you want to make a data table and run RandomForest in one step' in the Python Pipeline above

####Method 2: Using R

If randomForest is not in your library yet, see *Getting RandomForest onto HPC.

  • export R_LIBS_USER=~/R/library
  • R --vanilla --slave --args [df*] < RandomForest.R
  • Can use output df from step 1 or 3

This will output two files:

  • .imp.txt: Open in exel, sort by "Mean Decrease Accuracy" - Make sure you shift the column headers over by one- they skip the motif name heading...
  • .Results.txt: Output with F-measure, stdev, sterror, and 95% confidence intervals.

*Getting RandomForest onto HPC:

  • Rscript -e "install.packages(‘LIBRARY_NAME',lib='~/R/library',contriburl=contrib.url(''))”
  • export R_LIBS_USER=~/R/library you will need to run this line every time you run RandomForest.R
  • R
  • Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
  • library(“LIBRARY_NAME")
  • q()

Updates to the Pipeline:

December 2020 : Added scripts to use MEME suite in kmer correlation instead of TAMO

October 15, 2018 : Added scripts to generate a tamo file and map to cis-bp

May 19 2016 : Added option to run multiple test correction during kmer enrichment. Add "-FDR Y" to your command line to do so.

April 27 2016 : Added to directory. This is the starting point for incorporating DAP-Seq data into the pipeline. Script is being actively developed by cbazodi and will likely be renamed!

March 6 2016 : Change to call the random forest script from That way ML runs are consistent between methods.

Febrary 2 2016 : Add RF Which allows you to run RF ML on any dataframe given. Can select scoring type ('f1' = F-measure; 'roc_auc' = AUC-ROC : default = f1) and give list of features to include (default is to use the whole dataframe)

Nov 25 2015 : Simplify and standardize outputs (gives stdev and SE), also changed the random_state generator in RandomForestClassifier from an int to the default which is np.random.

Nov 24 2015 : Make Fisher's Exact Test 1-Tailed (only looking at enrichment in positive class) & remove Training/Testing data split since using cross-validation

Nov 13 2015 : Alter script so that enriched kmers are lengthened by 1 bp until they are no longer enriched

Oct 26 2015 : Switch from Python+R Pipeline to running everything in Python, this included changing to include reverse complement information, and to run the ML using 20 sets of random negative example genes.


Working with RandomForest in python and R to improve motif discovery






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  • Python 60.2%
  • Tcl 39.8%