The latest pipeline uses SciPy to determine enrichment, Numpy and Pandas for dataframe management, and SciKit Learn for RandomForest (via ML-pipeline Github repository).
Original pipeline used python for processing dataframes and R for running Random Forest. For those instructions see bottom of the document (Python & R Pipeline).
- Get up-reg gene list (logFC >= 1, adj. p-val < 0.05), dwn-reg gene list (logFC <= -1, adj. p-val < 0.05), and negative gene list (logFC <= 0.1, adj. p-val > 0.05; logFC >= -0.1, adj. p-val > 0.05).
File needs to have a header, genes in first column and a log FC and p-value. Must indicate what columns are logFC and p-value
python ~/Github/MotifDiscovery/cluster_scripts/ <logFC data with p-val> <indice with logFC> <indice with p-value>
python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/cluster_scripts/ sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt 1 2
If you need to get clusters from a cluster file that have specific genes # this is not a necessary step
python <gene1,gene2,gene3,etc.> <cluster file> <output filename>
Get fasta file for promoter
get promoter coordinates based on transcription start site (TSS)
python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ -f gff_prom_to_coord2 -gff <gff file> output: gfffile.coord
get promoter coordinates based on TSS and 5' UTR
python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ -f gff_prom_to_coord_5utr -gff <gff file> python -f gff_prom_to_coord_5utr -gff sample_data/TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt
get fasta sequence using coords file and genome fasta # the genome file in the sample data is not complete- download from TAIR
python ~/Github/ -f get_stretch4 -coords <gfffile.coord> -fasta <genome_fastafile> python -f get_stretch4 -coords sample_data/TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord -fasta sample_data/TAIR10_Athaliana_genome.fa output: TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord.fa
Set up your input files:
Put cluster file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence: # Note: Using TAIR10_upstream1000_allgenes.fa promoter file because TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.txt_prom-5utr.coord.fa will be incomplete if you use sample genome
cd FastaFiles/
cp [pos_examples] ./
python -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [pos examples]
python -f getseq2 -name sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up.txt -fasta sample_data/TAIR10_upstream1000_allgenes.fa
Put negative example file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence.
cp [neg_examples]
python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [neg examples]
Get enriched kmer dataframe using Fisher's Exact Test
python ~/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -pos <pos fasta> -neg <neg fasta> -k 6mer.txt -save <name of output files>
-pos_str String for what codes for the positive example (Default = 1) -neg_str String for what codes for the negative example (Default = 0) -k List of kmers to start with (/mnt/home/azodichr/ML_Python/6mers.txt or 5mers.txt) -pval P-value cut off for Fisher's exact test (Default = 0.01) -FDR Default: N. Designate (Y/N) if you want to run FDR correction during enrichment test
-SAVE_df_pPVAL.txt Dataframe that goes into ML-pipeline python -pos sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up.txt.fa -neg sample_data/diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_neg.txt.fa -k sample_data/6mer.txt -save diffexpr_Wounding_6_sample.txt_up_p0.01.txt
can submit to HP computer or run on laptop (typically ~3 minutes per cluster. Unix loop example:
for i in *pos.fa; do echo $i; python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -pos $i -neg neg.fa -k 6mer.txt -save random; done
Use ML Pipeline (most recent version) here to get class predictions (see ML-pipeline
sum ML results in folder. OPTIONAL: -matrix T or F ; T if you want F-measures of each run summed in a matrix to make into a heatmap
python -f <path to folder with .results.txt files> -name <name of output file> -matrix <T or F>
sum importance files to get overlap of important kmers across multiple runs
python <folder with imp files> <output filename>
Download and install MEME-suite
- Download:
- Installation instructions:
Installation on mac:
- use anaconda to install python 2.7
Create python 2.7 environment
conda create --name py27 python=2.7
Activate environment
source activate py27
change to meme directory and check dependencies
cd meme-5.2.0 cd scripts/ perl
install any/all depedencies. try
sudo cpan <library>
sudo port install <library>
configure and make (in meme-5.2.0 folder)
./configure --prefix=$HOME/meme --with-url= --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt make test make install
check installation in bash profile
nano ~/.bash_profile
Convert previous TAMO files to meme files (this is the case for TFBM and DAPseq sites) and kmers to memes
Add source/motif name to tamo file
python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/ <tamo file> <original index file> python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/
convert tamo to meme
tamo2meme <tamo file> > <meme output> /Users/Beth/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/scripts/tamo2meme >
convert kmers to memes using iupac2meme from meme suite
no arguments, just run in folder where imp files are
python ~/Desktop/post_doc/scripts/
a meme file is created for each imp file
correlate kmer meme files to TFBM or DAPseq meme files using tomtom
~/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/src/tomtom [options] <query motif file> <target motif file>+ ~/Desktop/Github/meme-5.2.0/src/tomtom -o Sp_0.7_2091_mRNA5utr_tomtom_out Sp_brachy_clusters_0.7_2091.txt_v3.2.2.txt_mRNA5utr.fa_random1_df_p0.01.txt_nodups.txt_LogReg_imp_meme.txt
sum tomtom output to make consensus sequence from kmers that map to the same motif
default uses a p-value of less than 0.01 as cutoff. Otherwise cutoff can be input as -pval or -qval
python ~/Desktop/Github/MotifDiscovery/ -dir ./
output is fasta file that can be used as input to ggseqlogo.R to form consensus
generate TAMO file based on motif sequence module load TAMO
python [motif list]
python kmers10.txt
command will divide the tamo files and also generate the command_line files(named “runcc”). Tamo 2 is the Athaliana file
python /mnt/home/seddonal/scripts/5_motif_merging/ create_cc_2 -t [tamo_file_1] -t2 [tamo_file_2]
python create_cc_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2
File from:
python /mnt/home/seddonal/scripts/5_motif_merging/ create_cc_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2
File from:
Run the command line from step 2 using qsub_hpcc
python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f submit -c runcc -mo TAMO
check for failed jobs:
python check_outputs -c runcc
output is a distance matrix, where the lower the number, the closer the distance (more similar the sequence)
- Make sure all CIS-BP jobs finish running before moving on - the job files will overwrite eachother ** Fix this bug later!
Merge the outputs into one matrix
python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t [tamo_file_1] -t2 [tamo_file_2]
python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2
python combine_distance_matrix_2 -t kmers10.txt.tamo -t2
In Excel add the column and row labels. Colums are the motifs from t2 in order of "" and “DAP_motifs.txt.tm_index” respectively; the row represent the motifs from "t1"; the order is based on “kmers.txt”
final PCC distance files:
get enriched TF families
python [TF family file] [merged distance matrix from step 4] TF family file: Contains functions to make lists of paired kmers, make data frames of what genes contain those motifs, and run Fisher's Exact test to determine enrichment of those kmers/kmer pairs in the positive genes. RandomForest.R: Runs Random Forest on input dataframe. 10 replicates and 10 fold cross validation.
• File with all your positive examples (naming scheme will be based off the name of the positive example file, so make sure that makes sense and isn't too long) • File with all your negative examples • Fasta file with all gene promoter regions.
If you already have fasta files of positive and neg examples, skip steps 2-3.
*Anytime you log in to HPC and want to use the pipeline you have to first run:
export PATH=/mnt/home/azodichr/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
Scripts: /mnt/home/azodichr/GitHub/MotifDiscovery/
- Inside directory for Pairwise experiment make directories for FASTA files and Motif Lists:
- mkdir FastaFiles
- mkdir MotifLists
- Put cluster file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence:
- cd FastaFiles/
- cp [pos_examples] .
- python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [pos examples]
- For arabidopsis you can use: /mnt/home/azodichr/01_DualStress_At/TAIR10_upstream1000_Alex_20101104.mod.fa
- Put negative example file in FastaFiles dir and get promoter sequence.
- cp [neg_examples] . #For Random Forest you want a 1:1 ratio of positive and negative examples, if 73 genes in cluster, randomly select 73 negative examples.
- python /mnt/home/shius/codes/ -f getseq2 -fasta [promoter sequences] -name [neg examples]
- For arabidopsis you can use: /mnt/home/azodichr/01_DualStress_At/TAIR10_upstream1000_Alex_20101104.mod.fa
- Make singleton and paired kmer list. Reverse complement sequences are separated by “.”, pairs separated by a space (k = length of kmer you want):
- cd ../MotifLists
- python -f make_pairs2 –k 5
- python -f make_pairs2 –k 6
The work flow here is 1) Make df with all kmers/pairs. 2) Make list of enriched kmers/pairs. 3) Remake df with just those enriched kmers/pairs.
- Make data frame with presence or absence of all kmer/kmer pair:
- python -f make_df –k [ListOfKmers] -p [positive fasta files] -n [negative fasta files]
- If you want to add DNA structure information to your prediction ask me. It didn't add much to my prediction...
- If you want all the motifs move on to step 4, otherwise parse your motifs using Fisher's Exact Test:
- python -f parse_df –df [output df from step 5] OPTIONAL: -pval <Default is 0.05>
- Re-make data frame with only enriched motifs:
- python -f make_df –k [output from step 6, ending in: “_sig_0.05.txt”] -p [positive fasta files] -n [negative fasta files]
####Method 1: Using scikit learn in python See 'If you want to make a data table and run RandomForest in one step' in the Python Pipeline above
####Method 2: Using R
If randomForest is not in your library yet, see *Getting RandomForest onto HPC.
- export R_LIBS_USER=~/R/library
- R --vanilla --slave --args [df*] < RandomForest.R
- Can use output df from step 1 or 3
This will output two files:
- .imp.txt: Open in exel, sort by "Mean Decrease Accuracy" - Make sure you shift the column headers over by one- they skip the motif name heading...
- .Results.txt: Output with F-measure, stdev, sterror, and 95% confidence intervals.
*Getting RandomForest onto HPC:
- Rscript -e "install.packages(‘LIBRARY_NAME',lib='~/R/library',contriburl=contrib.url(''))”
- export R_LIBS_USER=~/R/library you will need to run this line every time you run RandomForest.R
- R
- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
- library(“LIBRARY_NAME")
- q()
December 2020 : Added scripts to use MEME suite in kmer correlation instead of TAMO
October 15, 2018 : Added scripts to generate a tamo file and map to cis-bp
May 19 2016 : Added option to run multiple test correction during kmer enrichment. Add "-FDR Y" to your command line to do so.
April 27 2016 : Added to directory. This is the starting point for incorporating DAP-Seq data into the pipeline. Script is being actively developed by cbazodi and will likely be renamed!
March 6 2016 : Change to call the random forest script from That way ML runs are consistent between methods.
Febrary 2 2016 : Add RF Which allows you to run RF ML on any dataframe given. Can select scoring type ('f1' = F-measure; 'roc_auc' = AUC-ROC : default = f1) and give list of features to include (default is to use the whole dataframe)
Nov 25 2015 : Simplify and standardize outputs (gives stdev and SE), also changed the random_state generator in RandomForestClassifier from an int to the default which is np.random.
Nov 24 2015 : Make Fisher's Exact Test 1-Tailed (only looking at enrichment in positive class) & remove Training/Testing data split since using cross-validation
Nov 13 2015 : Alter script so that enriched kmers are lengthened by 1 bp until they are no longer enriched
Oct 26 2015 : Switch from Python+R Pipeline to running everything in Python, this included changing to include reverse complement information, and to run the ML using 20 sets of random negative example genes.