To get enrichment of gene expression clusters using GO-terms or pathways
Files downloaded from PMN (Plant Metabolic Network) or GO (gene ontology) need to be formatted correctly for the next steps.
Obtain pathway file downloaded from PMN for your species: containing the pathway and genes annotated to that pathway
Get the file into pathway:gene format:
python <pathway file from PMN> <index where genes are> <index where pathway name is> <index where path ID is> example: python All_instances_of_Pathways_in_Zea_mays_mays.txt 3 0 5
OPTIONAL: If needed, convert gene IDs from pathway file to IDs from your expression data NEEDED: a BLAST recipricol best match file
python <BLAST recipricol best match> <pathway file>
obtain go.obo file from
parse to get GOID: function
python <go.obo file>
for GO term: gene file, need gene associations
- obtain pfamA.tsv file from
To associate genes, get gene association file from phytozome- this has gene and their pfam IDs and GO IDs
sign in and click on species of interest.
go to standard data files, select .annotation_info.txt file and download
use annotation file, pfamA.tsv file, and go.obo.v1.2_parsed.txt to make table with descriptions:
python -ann_file <.annotation_info.txt> -pfam_file pfamA.tsv -go_file go.obo.v1.2_parsed.txt -pfam_ind <index with pfam IDs> -go_ind <index with goIDs> -split_by <how pfamIDs and goIDs are delimited- usually a ,> result: .annotation_info.txt.parsed.txt file with pfam and Go descriptions
NOTE: With pathway, GO, or cluster file, need to get rid of certain characters “, ‘, / for enrichment, specificially to work
get enrichment table with a cluster file
Need: a cluster tab-delimited file which lists gene:cluster
Need: a GO term or pathway file which contains GO term: gene or pathway: gene
options: -cl <cluster file> -go <pathway or GO term file> -genenum <integer 1 or 2>* * Enrichment needs a negative set to compare against. -genenum 1 compares against the total number of genes in the cluster file. -genenum 2 compares against the total number of genes in the pathway/GO term file. if there is a limited number of clusters in the cluster file (not all genes from data set) use -genenum 2 example: python -genenum 1 -cl Maize_RPKM_nogenelen.txt_PCC.txt_clusters_0.718.txt -go All_instances_of_Pathways_in_Zea_mays_mays.txt.parsed.txt_newID.txt
Output: table for enrichment file: tableforEnrichment_clusterfilename
do fisher's exact test to get p-value and/or q-value
Use enrichment table to find significant clusters: options: 0 = p-value only 1 = q-value (multiple testing corrected) and p-value
qvalue.R script must be in same folder as the script
NO "" in your tableforEnrichment file
python tableforEnrichment_clusterfilename.txt 1
Output: tableforEnrichment_clusterfilename.txt.pqvalue
Get only the significant under (-) or over (+) represented clusters
python <.pqvalue file>
Merge GO term description into results file
python -key [GO term key] -table [output from step 3]
Get only significant over (+) represented clusters for specific pathway(s) options: -dir <directory with .pqvalue files> -split <delimiter between cluster and pathway, usually "|"> -path
python -dir ./ -split "|" -path pathA,pathB,pathC
Obtain a binary matrix of significant clusters where genes are the row names and columns are the cluster. 1 represents the gene is present in the cluster, 0 represents the gene is absent in the cluster.
-cl = file with enrichment for significant clusters (format is .fisher.pqvalue)... if you want all clusters use -cl ALL
-dir = directory with cluster files where file contains: gene \t cluster
-path = file with pathway \t gene
-genes = list of genes you want to extract. This option only gets a matrix that contains clusters with this list of genes
-pval = p-value cutoff for cluster significance
-qval = q-value cutoff for cluster significance
binary matrix: filename_binmatrix.txt
python -cl ALL -dir cluster_dir/ -path All_instances_of_Pathways_in_Zea_mays_mays.txt.parsed.txt_newID.txt
Calculate percent overlap of your co-expression clusters/modules.
INPUT: -bin binary matrix with clusters you are interested in (from -mr mr output with all clusters (file is .modules.txt from MR scripts, where columns are: cluster_name | cohesive_score | genes_in_module) OUTPUT: dataframe of your cluster overlap percent (_clusteroverlap.txt) percentiles of all cluster overlap (_allcluster_percentiles.txt) - you can use this file to calculate significance of your cluster overlap. Any percentage above the cluster percentile cutoff is significant for that percentile. Example: python -bin ALL_binmatrix.txt -mr Brachy_expressionmat-norm_2017nph_mod.txt_nodup_avg_MR-SP_025.modules.txt
Given an enrichment file, get percentage of GO/pathway/etc. for a given class (like Sm genes or PM genes) and the log ratio
INPUT: enrichment table (tableforEnrichment.pqvalue) with class in second column OUTPUT: "_percent_logratio.txt" file