Wikidata is a community and database within the Wikipedia ecosystem.
WikiProject Clinical Trials is a community project in Wikidata to curate data related to clinical trials for its use in the Wikipedia ecosystem or export to elsewhere. Visit the project at
Presented here is a collection of data snapshots which demonstrate model outputs of queries to the data which WikiProject Clinical Trials has curated in Wikidata.
Elements of these data snapshots which are worth consideration include these listed queries, the social and cultural need which these queries seek to fulfill, and the results of these queries. Beyond what these queries actually report, persons familiar with the field of clinical research are able to look at this information and consider the origins of some of it, note what data is here that would be difficult to find elsewhere, and also to imagine what data would be useful here but which is absent.
While these queries are representative of an early attempt of what WikiProject Clinical Trials aspires to deliver, for many variations of these queries, Wikidata's content is incomplete and there will be gaps. For example, the project acquired excellent data about the researchers, research publications, research projects, and research departments at Vanderbilt University. Consequently, these queries can profile that university relatively well. In comparison, the Wikidata has no comparable data collection for any other university, so there is incompleteness.
We share these datasets because reproducing the state of Wikidata for past times is difficult, and wish to report these results as a milestone of our progress till now.