BlockPress was a javascript/jquery content management system that uses various blockchains for backend storage, loaded via ajax modules. The project began life at the Lisbon Steemfest Hackathon on Nov 1, 2017. It was last actively developed in 2018. It is still an innovative front end only content management system that pulls data from APIs. It is useful for hosting more complex websites on hosts that only support HTML/CSS/JS and no backend language, such as Github Pages.
In the BlockPress wiki you can find documentation on:
BlockPress is currently running on the following sites, demonstrating a variety of different themes, palettes and use cases:
- Github Pages demonstrating that you can use BlockPress for your github project pages site.
- Neocities demonstrating that BlockPress can run on most free webhosts.
You can also get a demo of BlockPress from the distributed web via:
IPNS Hash: QmafdY2xpTMhqqdF3WajsdQsEkkNN3nDYDTQCurKyDBcph
This demo is no longer active.
The social media pressence of blockpress is no longer monitored.
Official Steemit AccountBlockPress Steem.Chat channelBlockPress Facebook groupBlockPress Subreddit