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✨ Welcome to the Angor Blog

🚀 Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

To begin, clone the repository and navigate into the project directory:

git clone
cd angor-blog

2. Install Dependencies

Next, install the necessary dependencies:

pnpm install
pnpm add sharp

If pnpm is not already installed, you can install it globally using:

npm install -g pnpm

🧞 Available Commands

All commands should be executed from the root directory of the project using a terminal:

Command Description
pnpm install AND pnpm add sharp Install project dependencies
pnpm dev Start the local development server at localhost:4321
pnpm build Build the production site into the ./dist/ directory
pnpm preview Preview the built site locally before deploying
pnpm new-post <foldername> Create a new blog post
pnpm astro ... Execute Astro CLI commands like astro add, astro check
pnpm astro --help Display help information for the Astro CLI

✍️ Creating a New Post

1. Create Post Structure

Run the following command to create a new post:

pnpm new-post my-awesome-post

This will create:

└── my-awesome-post/
    └── images/

2. Configure Post Metadata

Edit the frontmatter in

title: "My Awesome Post"     # The title that appears at the top of your post
published: 2024-02-19       # Publication date (auto-filled)
description: "A detailed introduction to blockchain technology"  # Brief description
image: "./images/cover.jpg" # Post cover image (relative path)
tags: ["Blockchain", "Technology", "Crypto"]  # Related topics
category: "Technology"      # Main category
draft: false               # Set to true to hide from production
lang: "en"                # Language code (en, fa, etc)

3. Add Images

  1. Place your post images in the images folder
  2. Reference them in your markdown using relative paths:
![Image description](./images/example.jpg)

4. Write Content

Below the frontmatter, write your post content using Markdown:

## Introduction

This is a paragraph with **bold** and *italic* text.

### Code Examples
console.log("Hello World!");

### Lists
- Item 1
- Item 2
  - Sub-item 2.1
  - Sub-item 2.2

### Links
[Visit our website](

### Tables
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Cell 1   | Cell 2   |

5. Preview Your Post

  1. Run the development server:
pnpm dev
  1. Open http://localhost:4321 in your browser
  2. Navigate to your new post

6. Publishing

  1. Set draft: false in the frontmatter
  2. Build the site:
pnpm build

7. Post Organization Tips

  • Keep image files under 1MB when possible
  • Use descriptive image filenames
  • Organize content with clear headings (H2, H3, etc.)
  • Add relevant tags for better discoverability
  • Include a meaningful description for SEO

⚙️ Frontmatter of Posts

Each post file ( should start with frontmatter in YAML format. Here is an example:

title: My First Blog Post
published: 2024-05-08
description: This is the first post.
image: /images/cover.jpg
tags: [Bitcoin, Investment, Angor]
category: Cryptocurrency
draft: false

Frontmatter Fields Explained

  • title: The title of your blog post.
  • published: The date when the post is published.
  • description: A brief description of the post.
  • image: Path to the cover image of the post.
  • tags: An array of tags relevant to the post.
  • category: The category under which the post falls.
  • draft: Set to false when the post is ready to be published.