Dead or alive you're coming with me.
IPL-Robocop is the editor portion of a three program set which makes up IPL's bracket platform for 2013 and possibly beyond.
- Brunch 1.5 or greater
- Node 0.8 or greater
- Mongodb
Building cd to the ipl-robocop directory and start a local instance by running the command: brunch w -s note: if you've just cloned the project you will need to run npm install from the project directory this will allow you to access the editor using the following url http://localhost:3333/brackets/v6/admin
Testing visit http://localhost:3333/test to run the test suite. You can also run the tests from the command line using: brunch test
Deploying upload the compiled public/ directory to a static asset server.
- Use the Wizard menu to generate a bracket
- Use the Teams menu to enter the participating teams.
- Click on a match to edit its details / start and stop a game