Enterprise-grade benchmarking platform providing comprehensive startup metrics analysis and comparison tools.
The Startup Metrics Benchmarking Platform is a web-based solution enabling founders and executives to access reliable benchmark data across key startup metrics. Built with modern web technologies and enterprise-grade security, the platform delivers:
- Real-time metric comparisons across revenue ranges
- Multi-source benchmark aggregation
- Customizable data visualizations
- Secure company data handling
- Google OAuth integration
flowchart TD
A[Web Application] --> B[API Gateway]
B --> C[Auth Service]
B --> D[Metrics Service]
B --> E[Export Service]
D --> F[(PostgreSQL)]
D --> G[(Redis Cache)]
Authentication & Authorization
- Google OAuth 2.0 integration
- Role-based access control
- Secure session management
Benchmark Analysis
- Multi-source data visualization
- Revenue-based filtering
- Metric comparisons
Company Metrics
- Metric input and validation
- Personalized analysis
- Export capabilities
Administrative Tools
- Metric management
- Source control
- User administration
- Node.js 18 LTS
- Docker 20+
- PostgreSQL 13+
- Redis 6+
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/org/startup-metrics-platform.git
cd startup-metrics-platform
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Configure environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env with your configuration
- Start development services:
docker-compose up -d
- Run database migrations:
npm run migrate
- Start development server:
npm run dev
# Application
# Authentication
# Database
# Redis
├── src/
│ ├── api/ # API endpoints
│ ├── auth/ # Authentication services
│ ├── metrics/ # Metrics processing
│ ├── models/ # Database models
│ └── utils/ # Shared utilities
├── infrastructure/ # Infrastructure as code
│ ├── terraform/ # AWS infrastructure
│ └── kubernetes/ # K8s configurations
├── tests/ # Test suites
└── docs/ # Documentation
- TypeScript for type safety
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting
- Jest for testing
- Conventional Commits
# Run unit tests
npm run test
# Run integration tests
npm run test:integration
# Run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e
# Generate coverage report
npm run test:coverage
- ECS Fargate for container orchestration
- RDS PostgreSQL for database
- ElastiCache Redis for caching
- S3 for static assets and backups
- CloudFront for CDN
- WAF for security
# Build containers
docker-compose build
# Start services
docker-compose up -d
# View logs
docker-compose logs -f
- Development: Feature testing
- Staging: Pre-production validation
- Production: Live environment
flowchart LR
A[Push] --> B[Build]
B --> C[Test]
C --> D[Security Scan]
D --> E[Deploy]
participant U as User
participant F as Frontend
participant A as Auth Service
participant G as Google OAuth
U->>F: Access Platform
F->>G: OAuth Request
G->>F: Auth Code
F->>A: Exchange Code
A->>F: JWT Token
F->>U: Access Granted
- TLS 1.3 encryption
- JWT token authentication
- Role-based access control
- Data encryption at rest
- WAF protection
- Regular security audits
- Prometheus for metrics
- ELK Stack for logs
- Grafana for visualization
- PagerDuty for alerts
- Automated daily backups
- Point-in-time recovery
- Cross-region replication
- 30-day retention
For support and questions:
- Create an issue
- Contact [email protected]
- Join our Slack community
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.