- I've had many debates with friends about the fastest way around campus, so I've decided to, once and for all, know the fastest route.
- There is a Google sheet that I have given access to a few of my friends where times between two adjacent points can be recorded
- Another sheet calculates the average of these times
- shortestPath.py uses this data to find the data between any two points chosen by the user
- To run this CLI, run shortestPath.py
- A list of all locations will print out along with their ID. Choose enter your starting ID and then your ending ID
- Your ideal path and estimated time will be outputted
- I want to show a map of where all the points are around campus
- I want to create a web app (or phone app) that will allow users to check distances between points not using the command line
- I want to create an interface where users can input their own times between points to help crowdsource/get more reliable data
- I want to allow users to propose new points to add that they believe would be valuable