It is for the school crowdtangle project
The DownloadThePosts.ipynb is for downloading the posts from the Facebook
(It has a html version for reading)
The ProcessTheJsonData.ipynb is for processing the downloaded json data(which extracts the necessary data and convert them into pandas dataframe)
(It has a html version for reading)
The ProcessTheJsonDataTwo.ipynb is for extract the information from the json or nested json data and save the data in the required format.(Please note it extracts a lot of key information)
(It has a html version for reading)
The PostsJsonSummarizeByDate.ipynb uses groupby function to count the posts by each month from each year
(It has a html version for reading)
In the zip file,there are several files:
The file:
monitor.txt : Monitor the downloading process and the download status
posts.json : The original downloaded posts in json format
ResultsWithFormat.csv : The extracted information from json or nested json data, and convrted into csv file
The 'PandasProfiling' zip files:
They contain the Pandasprofiling summary results for each account
The PostSummarizrByMonth.csv:
It contains the number of posts from each account and reveals the number of each month of each year
The StatisticalSummary.pdf:
The report for the crawled posts