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Black Duck SCA Scan Yocto Script - v1.0.20


This script is provided under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).

It does not represent any extension of licensed functionality of Black Duck Software itself and is provided as-is, without warranty or liability.

If you have comments or issues, please raise a GitHub issue here. Black Duck support is not able to respond to support tickets for this OSS utility. Users of this pilot project commit to engage properly with the authors to address any identified issues.



This utility will create a Black Duck SCA project from a Yocto project, including

  • Scanning the Yocto project artefacts to generate an SPDX SBOM file which will be uploaded to the specified Black Duck server to create a project version
  • Filtering recipes using data from the OpenEmbedded (OE) APIs to 'fix-up' recipes moved to new layers or with different local versions/revisions
  • Signature scanning packages/downloaded archives (for recipes not matched from OE data)
  • Applying patches for locally patched CVEs identified from cve_patch if this data is available

This utility has some benefits over the alternative Black Duck SCA Yocto scan processes Detect and bd-scan-yocto, in particular by matching modified original OE recipes and not needing to specify the Bitbake environment script to run Detect Bitbake dependency scans.

Note that, from Black Duck SCA version 2024.7 onwards, the use of SPDX SBOM upload provides for the optional, automatic creation of custom components for recipes not matched in the BD KB using the option --sbom_create_custom_components. This would enable the creation of a complete SBOM including 3rd party or local, custom components.

See the BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS section below for guidance on optimising Yocto project scans using this utility.


  1. Create virtualenv
  2. Run pip3 install bd_scan_yocto_via_sbom --upgrade

Alternatively, if you want to build and install the utility locally:

  1. clone the repository
  2. Create virtualenv
  3. Build the utility python3 -m build
  4. Install the package pip3 install dist/bd_scan_yocto_via_sbom-1.0.X-py3-none-any.whl --upgrade

Alternatively, clone the repository locally:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Ensure prerequisite packages are installed (see list in pyproject.toml)


  1. Yocto v2.1 or newer
  2. Black Duck SCA server 2024.1 or newer
  3. Black Duck SCA API with either Global Code Scanner and Global Project Manager roles or Project Code Scanner and BOM Manager roles for an existing project
  4. Multi-target Bitbake configurations are not supported - use this utility on a single target at a time
  5. A built Yocto project is required with access to the build platform; alternatively specific outputs from the build can be used instead although some script features may not be supported


If you installed the utility as a package:

  1. Set the Bitbake environment (for example source oe-init-build-env)
  2. Invoke virtualenv where utility was installed
  3. Run bd-scan-yocto-via-sbom OPTIONS

Alternatively, if you have cloned the repository locally:

  1. Set the Bitbake environment (for example source oe-init-build-env)
  2. Invoke virtualenv where dependency packages were installed


For optimal Yocto scan results, consider the following:

  1. The utility will call Bitbake by default to extract the environment and layer information by default. Locations and other values (license.manifest, machine, target, download_dir, package_dir, image_package_type) extracted from the environment can be overridden using command line options. Also consider using --skip_bitbake and --bitbake_layers_file FILE options to bypass calling Bitbake (where FILE contains the output of the bitbake-layers show-recipes command.
  2. Use the --oe_data_folder FOLDER option to cache the downloaded OE data (~300MB on every run) and reuse the same folder on subsequent runs noting that the OE data does not change frequently.
  3. Add the cve_check class to the Bitbake local.conf to ensure patched CVEs are identified, and then check that PHASE 6 picks up the cve-check file (see CVE PATCHING below). Optionally specify the output CVE check file using --cve_check_file FILE.
  4. Where recipes have been modified from original versions against the standard OE recipes, use the --max_oe_version_distance X.X.X option to specify fuzzy matching against OE recipes (distance values in the range '0.0.1' to '0.0.10' are recommended), although this can also cause some matches to be disabled. Create 2 projects and compare the results with and without this option.
  5. If you wish to add the Linux kernel and other packages specified in the image manifest only, consider using the --process_image_manifest option and optionally specifying the image manifest license file path (--image_license_manifest FILEPATH) where it does not exist in the same folder and the license.manifest file.
  6. Use the --recipe_report REPFILE option to create a report of matched and unmatched recipes in the BOM. In particular check the recipes in the RECIPES NOT IN BOM - MATCHED IN OE DATA section.
  7. Consider running Signature scan on all packages as opposed to the default of ONLY those not matched by identifier (use --scan_all_packages - useful for deep license and copyright analysis of standard OE recipes). Will require BOM curation to remove duplicates and partial matches.


There are several additional options to modify the behaviour of this utility including:

  • Skip use of bitbake command to locate project files by specifying license.manifest and bitbake-layers output files (use --skip_bitbake)
  • Skip using the data from the OpenEmbedded API to verify original recipes, layers, version using --skip_oe_data
  • Cache OE data in a local folder to remove need to download on every run (use --oe_data_folder FOLDER)
  • Optionally run the command bitbake -g to create a '' file and specify the --task_depends_dot_file FILE option as well as -l license.manifest to improve recipe release identification (or do not specify license.manifest to scan dev dependencies)
  • Specify semantic version distance for matching recipes against OE data (default distance is '0.0.0' - use --max_oe_version_distance X.X.X)
  • Create SPDX output file for manual upload and debug (do not upload to Black Duck to create project - use --output_file OUTPUT)
  • Specify license.manifest, machine, target, download_dir, package_dir, image_package_type to override values extracted from Bitbake environment
  • Skip Signature scan of downloaded archives and packages (use --skip_sig_scan)
  • Add image manifest recipes (use --process_image_manifest or --image_license_manifest FILE)
  • Run Signature scan on all packages as opposed to only those not matched by identifier (use --scan_all_packages - useful for deep license and copyright analysis of standard OE recipes). Will require BOM curation to remove duplicates and partial matches (Signature scanning is intended to find partial matches for review).


  usage: bd-scan-yocto-via-sbom [-h] [--blackduck_url BLACKDUCK_URL] [--blackduck_api_token BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN] [--blackduck_trust_cert] [-p PROJECT] [-v VERSION] <OTHER OPTIONS>

  Create BD Yocto project from license.manifest
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --blackduck_url BLACKDUCK_URL
                       Black Duck server URL (REQUIRED - can use
                       BLACKDUCK_URL env var)
 --blackduck_api_token BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN
                       Black Duck API token (REQUIRED - can use
                       BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN env var)
                       Black Duck trust server cert (can use
                       BLACKDUCK_TRUST_CERT env var)
 -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                       Black Duck project to create (REQUIRED)
 -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                       Black Duck project version to create (REQUIRED)
 -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                       Yocto target (e.g. core-image-sato - REQUIRED if
                       license.manifest NOT specified or --task_depends_dot_file used - single target configuration only supported)
                       license.manifest file path (REQUIRED - default 'license.manifest')
                       Specify the image_license.manifest file path to process recipes from the core image.
                       Process the image_license.manifest file to process recipes from the core image using the
                       default location. Alternatively specify the image_license.manifest file path.
                       OPTIONAL Process file created by 'bitbake -g' command
                       (if 'license.manifest' is NOT also specified, will process ALL recipes including dev
                       dependencies, --target option required)
 -b BITBAKE_LAYERS, --bitbake_layers_file BITBAKE_LAYERS
                       File containing output of 'bitbake-layers show-
                       recipes' command (OPTIONAL)
 -c CVE_CHECK_FILE, --cve_check_file CVE_CHECK_FILE
                       CVE check output file to mark locally patched CVEs as patched in project
 -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                       Specify output SBOM SPDX file for manual upload (if
                       specified then BD project will not be created
                       automatically and CVE patching not supported)
 --skip_oe_data        Download and use OE data to check layers, versions &
 --oe_data_folder OE_DATA_FOLDER
                       Folder to contain OE data files - if files do not
                       exist they will be downloaded, if files exist then
                       will be used without download
 --max_oe_version_distance MAX_OE_VERSION_DISTANCE
                       Where no exact match, use closest previous recipe
                       version up to specified distance.Distance should be
                       specified as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g. 0.1.0)
 --build_dir BUILD_DIR
                       Alternative build folder
 --download_dir DOWNLOAD_DIR
                       Download directory where original OSS source is
                       downloaded (usually poky/build/downloads)
 --package_dir PACKAGE_DIR
                       Download directory where package files are downloaded
                       (for example poky/build/tmp/deploy/rpm/<ARCH>)
 --image_package_type IMAGE_PACKAGE_TYPE
                       Package type used for installing packages (e.g. rpm,
                       deb or ipx)
 --skip_sig_scan       Do not Signature scan downloads and packages
 --scan_all_packages   Signature scan all packages (only recipes not matched from
                       OE data are scanned by default)
 --detect_jar_path DETECT_JAR_PATH
                       Detect jar path
 --detect_opts DETECT_OPTS
                       Additional Detect options (remove leading '--' from options)
 --api_timeout         Specify API timeout in seconds (default 60) - will be used in
                       Detect as --detect.timeout
                       Create custom components when uploading SBOM (default False)
 --debug               Debug logging mode
 --logfile LOGFILE     Logging output file
 --recipe_report REPFILE
                       Output specified file with a list of recipes including those not matched in the BOM
 --no_unmap            Do not unmap previous code locations (scans) when running the initial scan (default is to unmap)


  • --blackduck_url BD_URL --blackduck_api_token BD_API -p BD_PROJECT -v BD_VERSION -t YOCTO_TARGET

Optionally add the --blackduck_trust_cert option to trust the Black Duck server certificate.

Also consider using --oe_data_folder FOLDER with an existing folder to cache the OE recipe data on subsequent runs to save large downloads at each execution.

Server credentials can also be specified using standard environment variables (BLACKDUCK_URL, BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN and BLACKDUCK_TRUST_CERT).


  • --blackduck_url, --blackduck_api_token, --blackduck_trust_cert:

    • REQUIRED - Connection credentials to Black Duck server. Can also be picked up from the environment variables BLACKDUCK_URL, BLACKDUCK_API_TOKEN and BLACKDUCK_TRUST_CERT. Required to create the BD project version automatically and optionally process CVE patch status; not required if --output specified.
  • --project PROJECT --version VERSION (also -p -v):

    • REQUIRED - Black Duck project and version to create
  • --license_manifest LICENSE_MANIFEST_FILE (also -l):

    • Optionally specify yocto license.manifest file created by Bitbake. Usually located in the folder tmp/deploy/licenses/<yocto-image>-<yocto-machine>/license.manifest which should be determined from Bitbake environment by default (unless --skip_bitbake used).
  • --target TARGET (also -t):

    • Bitbake target (e.g. core-image-sato) - required unless --skip_bitbake used.
  • --skip_bitbake:

    • Do not extract Bitbake environment and layers information using Bitbake commands - requires license.manifest and/or file and bitbake-layers output to be specified.
  • --task_depends_dot_file TASK_DEPENDS_FILE:

    • Process file created by 'bitbake -g' command which will process ALL recipes including dev dependencies unless 'license.manifest' is also specified, --target is also required). The benefit of referencing this file is that recipe revisions can be determined.
  • --bitbake_layers_file BITBAKE_OUTPUT_FILE (also -b):

    • Optionally specify output of the command bitbake-layers show-recipes stored in the specified file. Should be determined from Bitbake environment by default (unless --skip_bitbake used).
  • --output SBOM_FILE (also -o):

    • Create an output SBOM file for manual upload; do not create BD project version and skip additional steps (use only for debug purposes)
  • --cve_checkfile CVE_CHECK_FILE:

    • Optionally specify output file from run of the cve_check custom class which generates a list of patched CVEs. Usually located in the folder build/tmp/deploy/images/XXX. Should be determined from Bitbake environment by default (unless --skip_bitbake used)
  • --skip_oe_data:

    • Do not download layers/recipes/layers from APIs to review origin layers and revisions used in recipes to ensure more accurate matching and complete BOMs.
  • --oe_data_folder FOLDER:

    • Create OE data files in the specified folder if not already existing. If OE data files exist already in this folder, use them to review layers and revisions to ensure more accurate matching and complete BOMs. Allows offline usage of OE data or reduction of large data transfers if script is run frequently.
  • --skip_sig_scan:

    • Do not send identified package and downloaded archives for Signature scanning. By default, recipes not matched against OE data will be Signature scanned.
  • --scan_all_packages:

    • Signature scan all recipes including those matched against OE recipes. By default, only recipes not matched against OE data will be Signature scanned.
  • --max_oe_version_distance MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

    • Specify version distance to enable closest (previous) recipe version matching against OE data where exact matches not available. By default, when --get_oe_data is specified, OE recipe versions must match the version exactly to replace layers and revision values. Setting this value will allow close (previous) recipe version matching. The value needs to be of the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g. '0.10.0'). CAUTION - setting this value to a large value will cause versions of components to be matched against previous recipes maintained in the OE data, which may lead to different levels of reported vulnerabilities. It is preferable to maintain close relation between the matched versions and the ones in the project and then to identify unmatched components which can be added as custom components or manually. Consequently only consider using values which allow versions from different MINOR or MAJOR versions in exceptional circumstances (meaning the supplied value should probably be in the range 0.0.1 to 0.0.10).
  • --process_image_manifest OR --image_license_manifest PATH:

    • Include processing of image_license.manifest file to add recipes from the core image to the BOM (usually including Linux kernel).
  • --recipe_report REPFILE:

    • Create a report of matched and unmatched recipes in specified REPFILE.


  • Recipe version is 3.2.4 - closest previous OE recipe version is 3.2.1: Distance value would need to be minimum 0.0.3
  • Recipe version is 3.2.4 - closest previous OE recipe version is 3.0.1: Distance value would need to be minimum 0.2.0
  • Recipe version is 3.2.4 - closest previous OE recipe version is 2.0.1: Distance value would need to be minimum 1.0.0

Note that lower order values are overridden by higher order (for example distance 1.0.0 is equivalant to 1.999.999).


The Yocto cve_check class works on the Bitbake dependencies within the dev environment, and produces a list of CVEs identified from the NVD for ALL packages in the development environment.

For patched CVE remediation in the Black Duck project, you will need to add the cve_check bbclass to the Yocto build configuration to generate the CVE check log output. Add the following line to the build/conf/local.conf file:

   INHERIT += "cve-check"

Then rebuild the project (using for example bitbake core-image-sato) to run the CVE check action and generate the required CVE log files without a full rebuild.

The script should locate the path for the output file from cve-check, but you can also specify the file using the option --cve_check_file CVE_CHECK_FILE which is usually located in the `poky/tmp/deploy/images


  • Ensure that you have specified the required minimum options including the Yocto target (-t).

  • Check all the prerequisites, and that there is a built Yocto project with a generated license.manifest file.

  • Use the option --debug to turn on debug logging.

  • After scan completion, check that there are at least 2 separate code locations in the Source tab in the Black Duck project (one for SBOM import and the other for Signature scan).

  • Check the information from PHASE 5 (if it is run) in particular the total components in BOM against total recipes in Yocto project. The Recipes matched in OE data but not in BOM counts recipes which were found in OE data but could not be matched against the BD KB. Check to see if these recipes (also listed in Phase 5) are identified by subsequent Signature scan and consider adding the origin OSS components as manual additions in the Project Version.

  • If you are looking for a specific package which appears to be missing from the project, confirm that you are looking for the recipe name not the package name. See the FAQs for an explanation of Yocto recipes versus packages. Check that the package file was included in the Signature scan (within the Source tab).


If you encounter issues using the script, then please create an issue in GitHub, ensuring that you include the following information:

  • Your Organisation name (to validate you have a Black Duck license)
  • Description of the issue
  • Yocto version in use (use the command bitbake -e | grep DISTRO_CODENAME)
  • The license.manifest file for the build
  • The output of the command bitbake-layers show-recipes
  • The log output from this script with --debug enabled (use the --logfile LOGFILE option to output to a file )
  • The recipe report file (use --recipe_report REPFILE)


For a custom C/C++ recipe, or where other languages and package managers are used to build custom recipes, other types of scan could be considered in addition to the techniques used in this script.

For C/C++ recipes, the advanced blackduck_c_cpp utility could be used as part of the build to identify the compiled sources, system includes and operating system dependencies. You would need to modify the build command for the recipe to call the blackduck-c-cpp utility as part of a scanning cycle after it had been configured to connect to the Black Duck server.

For recipes where a package manager is used, then a standard Detect scan in DETECTOR mode could be utilised to analyse the project dependencies separately.

Multiple scans can be combined into the same Black Duck project (ensure to use the Detect option --detect.project.codelocation.unmap=false to stop previous scans from being unmapped).


  1. Why can't I rely on the license data provided by Yocto in the license.manifest file?

    The licenses reported by Bitbake come straight from the recipe files used to build the project. However, the applicable license for each package is the actual declared license reported in the origin repository, which may not match the license name in the recipe used to build/install the package. Furthermore, the obligations of most OSS licenses require that the full license text is included in the distribution along with any relevant copyrights. Another concern is that most OSS packages use or encapsulate other OSS which can have different licenses to the declared license in the main package, and in some cases re-licensing is not allowed meaning that the declared license of the main is not applicable. Black Duck uses the licenses from the origin packages (not the Yocto recipe), supports full license text and copyrights as well as optional deep license analysis to identify embedded licenses within packages.

  2. Can this utility be used on a Yocto image without access to the build environment?

    Yes possibly - Use the options --skip_bitbake -l LIC_MANIFEST_FILE --bitbake_layers_file LAYERS_FILE where LIC_MANIFEST_FILE is the path to the specific license.manifest file and LAYERS_FILE contains the output of the command bitbake-layers show-recipes.

  3. Why can't I simply use the cve-check class provided by Yocto to determine unpatched vulnerabilities?

    The cve-check class processes all recipes in the build and then looks up packages in the NVD to try to associate CVEs. The script reports all packages including build dependencies as opposed to the packages only in the distributed image which is usually not useful. The CVE association uses CPE (package enumerators) to match packages, but this uses wildcards which result in a large number of false positive CVEs being reported. For example, for a sample Yocto 4.1 minimal build, cve-check reported 160 total unpatched CVEs of which 14 were shown against zlib, however the Black Duck project shows that none of these should be associated with the zlib version in the build (only 3 patched and 0 unpatched vulnerabilities should be shown in the project).

  4. Why couldn't I just use the create-spdx class provided by Yocto to export a full SBOM?

    The Yocto create-spdx class produces SPDX JSON files for the packages in the project with the runtime packages also identified, including useful data such as the list of files in the image per package with hashes. However, many of the SPDX fields are blank (NO-ASSERTION) including license text, copyrights etc. The packages are also not identified by PURL so the SBOM cannot be effectively imported into other tools (including Black Duck).

  5. I cannot see a specific package in the Black Duck project.

    Use the --recipe_report FILE option to list matched and missing recipes. Note that Black Duck reports recipes in the Yocto project not individual packages. Multiple packages can be combined into a single recipe, but these are typically not downloaded separately and are considered to be part of the main component managed by the recipe, not individual OSS components.

  6. I cannot see the Linux kernel in the Black Duck project.

    Consider using the --process_image_manifest OR --image_license_manifest PATH options to add processing of the packages in the image manifest usually including the Linux kernel. Note that the kernel cannot always be identified due to a custom name format being used in Yocto in which case consider adding the required kernel version to the project manually.

  7. I am using another Yocto wrapper such as KAS and cannot run bitbake, or the script fails for some other reason.

    Use the options --skip_bitbake -l LIC_MANIFEST_FILE --bitbake_layers_file LAYERS_FILE where LIC_MANIFEST_FILE is the path to the specific license.manifest file and LAYERS_FILE contains the output of the command bitbake-layers show-recipes.

  8. I want to scan all recipes including Dev dependencies as opposed to only those in the delivered image

    Run the command bitbake -g to create a file, then use the option --task_depends_dot_file FILE where FILE contains the path to the file.


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