- ‘Discrete Math’ - Logic of how numbers work
- Take courses in Khan academy
- Everything except DSA.
- Full course on fronend masters.
- Lean into absctraction by JS.
- Don't write c in javascript.
- Learning implementation details.
- Not a good computer scientist.
- Don't code specific to implementat ion details.
Developer - Solve problem and then understand it. Engineer - Understand and then solve it.
Don't force a DS to solve a problem. Find a suitable DS to solve problem.
Donald Knuth - Premature optimization.
It's not premature optimization that is all evil. It's immature optimization that is all evil - Kyle.
On critical path - Optimization is more important.
- Iterative solution (1/1)
- Recursive solution (Divide and conquer) (4/4)
- Fuzzy (3/3)
Are two rectangles overlap?
top-down bottom-up