Game: Minecraft 1.12
Server: Spigot (Bukkit)
Version: 0.2 Beta
This plugin allows you to tell the server to perform a command after a given amount of seconds. It's also possible to repeat the command a certain amount of times or have it repeat infinitely.
/dcmd [once/repeat/infinite/cancel] [...]
Example: /dcmd once [seconds] [command]
Example: /dcmd repeat [how many times] [seconds] [command]
Example: /dcmd infinite [seconds] [command]
Example: /dcmd cancel [id]*
*The id is given to you in chat when you setup a command
/dcmd once 10 time set day
/dcmd repeat 3 10 /time set day
/dcmd infinite 60 time set day
/dcmd cancel 25
- You want the server to shutdown after a certain amount of time but you're not able to stay online to do it yourself.
- You are creating an arena event where waves of mobs should spawn after a certain amount of time. This would allow you to time function files execution through a command block.