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Merge pull request erlang#8600 from bjorng/bjorn/compiler/nomatch-war…
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Add opportunistic warnings for shadowed map patterns
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bjorng authored Jun 26, 2024
2 parents 308e755 + 8a8ea04 commit 2a64588
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Showing 2 changed files with 113 additions and 9 deletions.
50 changes: 42 additions & 8 deletions lib/compiler/src/beam_core_to_ssa.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ module(#c_module{name=#c_literal{val=Mod},exports=Es,attrs=As,defs=Fs}, Options)
-spec format_error(warning()) -> string() | binary().

format_error({nomatch,{shadow,Line}}) ->
M = io_lib:format(<<"this clause cannot match because a previous clause at line ~p "
"always matches">>, [Line]),
S = ~"this clause cannot match because a previous clause at line ~p matches the same pattern as this clause",
M = io_lib:format(S, [Line]),
format_error({nomatch,shadow}) ->
<<"this clause cannot match because a previous clause always matches">>;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1502,12 +1502,46 @@ ensure_fixed_size(#cg_bin_end{}) ->
%% At this point all the clauses have the same constructor; we must
%% now separate them according to value.

match_value(Us0, cg_map=T, Cs0, Def, St0) ->
{Cs1,St1} = remove_unreachable(Cs0, St0),
{Us1,Cs2,St2} = partition_intersection(Us0, Cs1, St1),
do_match_value(Us1, T, Cs2, Def, St2);
match_value(Us0, T, Cs0, Def, St0) ->
{Us1,Cs1,St1} = partition_intersection(T, Us0, Cs0, St0),
UCss = group_value(T, Us1, Cs1),
mapfoldl(fun ({Us,Cs}, St) -> match_clause(Us, Cs, Def, St) end, St1, UCss).
do_match_value(Us0, T, Cs0, Def, St0).

do_match_value(Us0, T, Cs0, Def, St0) ->
UCss = group_value(T, Us0, Cs0),
mapfoldl(fun ({Us,Cs}, St) -> match_clause(Us, Cs, Def, St) end, St0, UCss).

%% remove_unreachable([Clause], State) -> {[Clause],State}
%% Remove all clauses after a clause that will always match any
%% map.
remove_unreachable([#iclause{anno=Anno,pats=Pats,guard=G}=C|Cs0], St0) ->
%% Will the first pattern match any map?
[#cg_map{es=[]}|Ps] ?= Pats,

%% Are all following pattern variables, which will always match?
true ?= all(fun(#b_var{}) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, Ps),

%% Will the guard always succeed?
#c_literal{val=true} ?= G,

%% This clause will always match. Warn and discard all clauses
%% that follow.
St1 = maybe_add_warning(Cs0, Anno, St0),
_ ->
{Cs,St} = remove_unreachable(Cs0, St0),
remove_unreachable([], St0) ->

%% partition_intersection(Type, Us, [Clause], State) -> {Us,Cs,State}.
%% partition_intersection(Us, [Clause], State) -> {Us,Cs,State}.
%% Partition a map into two maps with the most common keys to the
%% first map.
Expand All @@ -1528,7 +1562,7 @@ match_value(Us0, T, Cs0, Def, St0) ->
%% The intention is to group as many keys together as possible and
%% thus reduce the number of lookups to that key.

partition_intersection(cg_map, [U|_]=Us, [_,_|_]=Cs0, St0) ->
partition_intersection([U|_]=Us, [_,_|_]=Cs0, St0) ->
Ps = [clause_val(C) || C <- Cs0],
case find_key_intersection(Ps) of
none ->
Expand All @@ -1540,7 +1574,7 @@ partition_intersection(cg_map, [U|_]=Us, [_,_|_]=Cs0, St0) ->
end, Cs0),
partition_intersection(_, Us, Cs, St) ->
partition_intersection(Us, Cs, St) ->

partition_keys(#cg_map{es=Pairs}=Map, Ks) ->
Expand Down
72 changes: 71 additions & 1 deletion lib/compiler/test/warnings_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -868,7 +868,77 @@ maps(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{{25,20},v3_core,{map_key_repeated,#{"a" => 1}}},
{{28,21},v3_core,{map_key_repeated,#{"a" => <<"b">>}}},
{{32,21},v3_core,{map_key_repeated,#{<<"a">> => 1}}}
match_map_1(#{}) ->
match_map_1(#{first := First}) ->
match_map_1(#{first := First, second := Second}) ->
match_map_1(#{}, A) ->
match_map_1(#{first := First}, A) ->
match_map_1(#{first := First, second := Second}, A) ->
match_map_2(#{first := First}) ->
match_map_2(#{first := First, second := Second}) ->
match_map_2(#{first := First}, A, B) ->
match_map_2(#{first := First, second := Second}, A, B) ->
match_map_3([#{} | _]) ->
match_map_3([#{first := First} | _]) ->
match_map_3([#{first := First, second := Second} | _]) ->
match_map_4([#{first := First} | _]) ->
match_map_4([#{first := First, second := Second} | _]) ->
%% There will be no warnings for shadowing for the
%% following functions, either because the first clause
%% actually can be executed or because the compiler's
%% checks are not sufficiently thorough.
%% The compiler does not detect this shadowing.
match_map_nowarn_1([#{}]) -> no;
match_map_nowarn_1([#{a := A}]) -> {a,A}.
%% The guard in the first clause can fail.
match_map_nowarn_2(#{}, X) when is_integer(X) -> {a,X};
match_map_nowarn_2(#{b := B}, X) -> {b,X,B}.
%% The first clause will fail to match if the second
%% argument is not `x`.
match_map_nowarn_3(#{}, x) -> a;
match_map_nowarn_3(#{b := B}, y) -> {b,B}.
%% The compiler does not detect this shadowing.
match_map_nowarn_4(#{}, x) -> a;
match_map_nowarn_4(#{b := B}, x) -> {b,B}.
run(Config, Ts),
Expand Down

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