Mixin for react classes to easily listen for changes and re-render from ampersand models/collections.
This auto-listens to any ampersand model or collection that is passed to it as a prop
. And re-renders the component on changes. It also unregisters the listener when the component is unmounted.
You can also optionally create a method in your component called: getObservedItems
This will get called to determine which things should be watched.
Or you can explicitly call watch
on the component and pass an ampersand model, state, or collection object.
If it's a collection it listens to 'add remove reset'
if it's a State
object it listens to 'change'
npm install ampersand-react-mixin
var React = require('react');
var ampersandMixin = require('ampersand-react-mixin');
module.exports = React.createClass({
mixins: [ampersandMixin],
render: function () {
return (