Releases: bitbybit-dev/bitbybit-occt-worker
v0.17.3 v0.17.3
v0.17.2 v0.17.2
v0.17.1 v0.17.1
v0.17.0 v0.17.0
- new function createFaceFromWiresOnFace, fixed subdivideToRectangleHoles and subdivideToRectangleWires
- made uv offsets work for rectangle wires on face
bitbybit.occt.shapes.vertex.vertexFromXYZ - creates vertex from x y and z values
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createFacesFromWiresOnFace - creates faces from wires on the face so that orientation would match the guide
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createFaceFromWireOnFace - creates face from wire on the face so that orientation would match the guide
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.subdivideToWires - subdivide face to the given number of divisions and place wires on the subdivision limits - users can choose u or v direction
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.subdivideToRectangleWires - creates rectangular wire cells on the face - patterns for uv scale, inclusion and fillet radius can be provided
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.subdivideToRectangleHoles - creates rectangular face cells on the face - patterns for uv scale, inclusion and fillet radius can be provided (can be used to pucnh holes in the face)
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.wireAlongParam - create a single wire along parameter
bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.wiresAlongParams - create multiple wires along parameters
- occt.shapes.wire.pointsOnWireAtLengths - gets points on given lengths, returned number of points will be equal to given number of lengths.
- occt.shapes.wire.pointsOnWireAtEqualLength - get points on wire that are spaced at equal length.
- occt.shapes.wire.pointsOnWireAtPatternOfLengths - get points on wire that are spaced by repeating a length pattern.
- occt.shapes.wire.getWireLength - refactored to use curve to measure the length as that gives more consistent result
- occt.shapes.edge.getEdgeLength - refactored to use curve to measure the length as that gives more consistent result
v0.16.0 v0.16.0