Development and maintenance of the Carla simulation environment
现阶段carla本身提供了深度学习和强化学习的Demo,但是其本身的开发并不完善 ,后续可以考虑形成一个比较完善的框架,可以快速修改从环境中得到的信息,同时,可以按照模板快速更换学习算法,加速开发。(和gym、openai结合)
Version: V20190918
Involved personnel: Yang lei, Wang Wei, Yu Yang, Gong Cheng, Li Zirui, laboratory undergraduates
The development and maintenance of Carla simulation environment mainly includes the following aspects:
Carla's official interface is relatively limited, especially at the map level. Yang lei should be currently developing this part.
At present, Carla provides Demos of deep learning and reinforcement learning, but the development is not yet perfect. Later, it should be considered to contract better framework, where the information obtained from the environment can be quickly modified . What's more, it is expected that the learning algorithm can be changed quickly using templates so as to speed up the development. (which can be combined with gym and openAI)
At present stage, Carla does not have the same interface with the real car. Later, we can develop an interface similar to Vrep for the real car experiment. (refer to the development of Vrep real car interface)
Algorithm validations usually are not under a full range of general urban scenario. Therefore, for a particular scene, for example, a crossroads(where there are also many types of crossroads), the undergraduates can be designated for maintaining a scene where vehicles can be quickly added. And our algorithm can be used in multiple scenarios for validation.
The simulation scene may not meet the requirements of algorithm verification, but it is difficult to carry out real car test. In this case, the real scene can be reflected in the way of data-driven model and reproduced in the simulation. At the same time, the algorithm can be used to control the vehicle in the simulation environment.
8. Freshman orientation training, undergraduate project participation, and assistance in curriculum construction
You can use this example to build a joint simulation of ros and carla.(Ongoing, immature)