e6e0664 add README.md
8acd293 add delete topic cmd
2d69910 add goreleaser
5e81aae add ldflags to reduce binary size
dc26410 add ls and describe
a852c85 add produce
a2c64a2 add topic create cmd
d0b12c0 add vendor folder created by go mod vendor
bc955b1 continue instead of panic with empty member assignment
9791498 display high watermark offset in topic details
d684d37 don't call DescribeTopics with empty list
43730f5 enable go modules
70344b0 group/describe: display offsets correctly
7c55a89 group/describe: don't try to get member assignment if it's unset
433d7cd group/get: allow user to pass one parameter with the group name
ef3d021 groups: add WIP implementation of offset display
03ea6d6 improve config management and ccloud support
1a9c07a improve readability of metadata block
36dce5e initial commit
36d3b83 minor renaming of vars
0b3a8f7 override confluent cloud entry if it exists
0415422 override current cluster if flag is set, default to localhost:9092
94c9b8c parse credentials from confluent cloud; centralize sarama config
7b84bb6 print offset 0 if there is no offset for a topicPartition
e9e1ecd refactor describe + add get
b9c93c2 remove obsolete comment
f2fc046 remove obsolete comments
15a4566 remove obsolete comments
2aa03ee remove obsolete config params
5c8fe4f rename group/get to group/ls
a2215af replace viper with self-written solution
13bcec2 topic/describe: fix formatting
25fbf02 topic/ls: sort topics by name
6930f37 update .gitignore
f33f503 update Makefile to force use go modules
f0f24df update commentary
184f33f use DescribeTopics instead of DescribeTopic
bb3e917 use Offset API with time = -1 for HighWatermark instead of fake Fetch
8f55046 use cobra.OnInitialize to ensure that pflags are parsed