0.3.0 (2023-12-22)
- add conflict display between PVS1 and PM4/PP3 (#290) (#320) (223d904)
- additional
Jump to IGV
button (#297) (#299) (38c5668) - adjust landing and static pages to NAR WSI requirements (#303) (#306) (39aad72)
- allow storing case information in local storage (#247) (#339) (bec6084)
- Allow users to save acmg criteria on the server (#98) (#237) (8738ca4)
- change default presentation of ACMG criteria (#287) (#300) (454135f)
- Consistency in UI design on static pages (#219) (#283) (2bafecb)
- Display all MMSplice and SpliceAI Scores (#296) (#310) (2ebb15b)
- document acmg seq vars (#248) (#249) (ae73ca7)
- enable sentry user feedback and releases (#329) (#331) (8be007c)
- implementing ClinVar upload (#99) (#270) (d4d949e)
- Integrate cada prio web service (#213) (#220) (283209f)
- integrating sentry (#240) (#246) (732cff6)
- link out from app to documentation (#308) (#311) (bb630a0)
- Merge all static information pages into one view (#263) (#264) (61bab0b)
- more consistent UI design on gene details page (#216) (#278) (52c8a45)
- more consistent UI design on seqvar details page (#217) (#279) (b040108)
- more consistent UI design on strucvar details page (#218) (#280) (b5330af)
- more integrated search component (#258) (120128f)
- more streamlined query parsing (#257) (#259) (374377a)
- Move scores card above population frequencies card (#294) (#301) (2db9647)
- Refurbishing design of Profile page (#214) (#256) (61a59d3)
- refurbishing gene details page (#229) (#230) (40daa26)
- refurbishing sequence variant details page (#244) (#255) (8f67c86)
- refurbishing SV details page (#236) (#239) (0d8dd34)
- restrict upgrade/downgrade of AMCG seqvar criteria (#291) (#321) (fabc262)
- updating profile to comply with OrcID requirements (#225) (#226) (23053f3)
Bug Fixes
- adjusting front-end to latest annonars changes (#224) (#228) (ce8ab52)
- Drop PP5 and BP6 criteria (#289) (#319) (a328f3a)
- fix blipping seqvar ACMG card (#266) (#269) (aa186c3)
- make clinvar impact table more robust, ignore labels (#234) (d3df9d7)
- make gray backround also work with dark theme (#276) (#282) (2b161f7)
- make querying for HGNC ID go to the gene (#327) (#333) (e73cf71)
- Make seqvar ACMG criterias upper case (#288) (#317) (0bfd3c0)
- make UI consistent on homepage (#215) (#277) (f81a48f)
- message when SpliceAI prediction unavailable (#268) (c2516e0)
- OMIM id extraction for link-out (#260) (#267) (f394b00)
- Present hpo terms on seqvar page (#286) (#298) (a61b57e)
- properly handle anonymous sessions in clinvarsub card (#328) (#335) (a61f864)
- properly handler errors / empty results from InterVar (#322) (#336) (6782a4f)
- properly urlencode arguments to dotty API call (#323) (#325) (699c654)
- Support for low-res displays (#285) (#295) (bdf7583)
- using text-no-wrap on ClinvarImpact table (#233) (e7cbaa7)
- vega plot background colors in dark mode (#284) (#337) (cb0cac1)