Releases: biasmv/pv
Releases · biasmv/pv
- Implement screen-door transparency as an alternative to alpha-based transparency. To enable screen-door transparency, pass transparency : 'screendoor' when constructing the viewer.
- Added special selection highlighting render mode.
- Improve handling of click event by only firing click events when the mouse button is pressed/released within a short timespan.
- Improve rendering of outline by properly scaling the extrusion factor based on the size of the GL canvas.
- Added more sample code to documentation
- PDB import: Improved code to guess element from atom name. This fixes issues in correctly detecting hy
drogen atoms for some cases. - Add support for click events on custom meshes
- Deprecated atomDoubleClick/atomClick events in favor of click/doubleClicked to make it clearer that th
e target of the click event might be objects other than atoms. - Simplified the picking results object. The picking results now provides the position of the clicked ob
ject as thepos()
property. It is no longer required to transform the atom position by the symmetr
y transformation matrix when displaying biological units. - Support for loading multi-model pdb files.
- Added functionality to superpose two structures using least-square fitting
- Added Viewer.spin command to spin the camera around an axis
- Relax some limits on number of elements that could be rendered at full connectivity level. Now it would theoretically be possible to render 2^24 atoms, even though the amount of geometry is likely to take down the browser.
- Fix rendering for very long RNA molecules that broke some assumptions in the cartoon rendering code (1J5E, for example see issue #82).
- Improve heuristics to determine whether two residues belong to the same trace by not introducing trace breaks in case the residues are connected by a bond. This allows users to manually set bonds in case they have other means of knowing that two residues are to part of the same trace (#83).
- Basic support RNA/DNA rendering for all render modes
- Multi-touch support for iOS and Android (with contributions by @kozmad, @lordvlad)
- improved visual clarity of text labels
- use correct line width when manual anti-aliasing is enabled.
- text labels can now be styled (color, font-family, font-weight, size)
- reduced file size of minified JavaScript file by a little more than 10%
- ability to add geometric shapes to the 3D scene through customMesh
- ability to specify custom color palettes (@andreasprlic)
- viewerReady event (@andreasprlic)
- PV can optionally be used as an AMD module without polluting the global namespace
- added more unit and functional tests. The tests reach a coverage of 80% of the total number of exectuable lines of code.
- support for loading small molecules from SDF files
v1.3 is an incremental release and contains the following new features/fixes:
- publish it as an npm module
- PDB IO: parse insertion codes
- add method to retrieve current color of atom. This is useful for highlighting purposes, where the color of certain atoms is temporarily changed and then reverted back to the original.
- smoothing of strands when rendering as helix, strand, coil cartoon
- implement proper strand "arrows"
- improved auto-slabbing when the rendered objects are off-center
1.2 is an incremental release that contains many changes since version 1.1. These features/fixes are:
- add transparancy support to mesh and line geoms (@kozmad)
- substantial speed improvements through implementation of buffer pool for typed arrays.
- method to assign secondary structure based on carbon-alpha positions
- improved documentation
- improve dictionary selection
- support for adding text labels to the 3D scene
- autoZoom to fit structure into viewport
- work around uint16 buffer limit of WebGL by automatically splitting the geometry of large molecules into multiple buffers
- support for different color notations, e.g. hex, color names.
- support for displaying molecular assemblies, including support for picking of symmetry-related copies
- implement different slab-modes
- rudimentary support for rendering MSMS surfaces in the browser. Requires conversion to binary format first.
- adding customisable animation time (@Traksewt)
- add customizable atom picking events (double and single click) (@Traksewt)
- improved animation support (@Traksewt)
- customizable background color (@Traksewt)
tranquil transferase
PV v1.1
A incremental update to pv over the v1.0 release. Notable features/improvements:
- support for canvas resizing
- pixel-accurate atom/residue picking
- speed improvements
- improved zooming behavior
- mouse-left+shift pans camera
- color by numeric atom or residue property
bloody globin
PV v1.0
This marks the initial release of pv. The key features are:
- a variety of render styles to represent molecular structures at different levels of detail.
- flexible coloring of structures
- flexible sub-structure selection with binary predicates
- import of structures from PDB files
- text labels