- Setup (en)
- ➡ Development (en)
- Deployment (en)
- Architecture (fr)
- Gotchas & tips (fr)
- Maintenance (fr)
In consistency with the standard libraries and programming languages, the objects (methods, variables, classes…) created in the code are named in English:
Examples : getCurrentYear(), var total = sum(1, 2).
However, domain-specific elements should keep their name, including in the code, without translation.
Exemples : getRevenuFiscal(), var total = sum(chefDeFamille, conjoint).
- Everything is done on feature branches and goes through pull requests;
- All pull requests must be reviewed by other members of the team, except the smallest changes that need to be urgently deployed;
- All pull requests must be rebased on
before being merged. This makes sure that the tip of the feature branch is in the same state asmain
will be after the merge; - All pull requests must pass automated tests.
We’re using:
for unit and integration tests.rubocop
for codestyle and qualitybrakeman
for automated security analysis.
rake spec
: Unit and features testsbin/rspec
: … with springRAILS_ENV=test rake parallel:spec
: parallel workersbin/parallel_rspec spec
: … with spring
rake lint
:rake lint:rubocop
: ruby files code stylerake lint:haml
: haml files code stylerake lint:i18n
: i18n missing/unused keys and formattingrake lint:brakeman
: static analysis security vulnerability
rake lint_fix
: rubocop and i18n automatic codestyle fixes
If you want to update code coverage data, run :
COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec
- Circle CI is hooked on github pull requests. It runs
rake test
andrake lint
. The CI only runs for pull requests, not for all pushed branches. - Code merged on
is automatically deployed once-staging
(See Deployment.)
The Circle CI account is shared with the other betagouv startups; it’s paid for by the DINUM.
Development emails are visible locally via letter_opener_web Staging emails are sent on Mailtrap in order to test email notifications without sending them to the real users.
You can import data in your local development database from remote staging database. See the official documentation. You need to install the Scalingo CLI first.
rake import_dump
:rake import_dump:dump
: dump data from scalingorake import_dump:import
: drop local db and importrake import_dump:anonymize
: anonymize personal information fields
You can import production data in staging application, if you want to test features in almost real condition. You need to install the Scalingo CLI first.
rake import_prod_to_staging
:rake import_dump:dump
: dump data from production dbrake import_dump:import_to_staging
: import prod db in staging db
You may encounter dependencies problems. If so, you may have to change /lib/tasks/import_prod_to_staging.rake
in order to drop a few problematic tables in staging before restoring database.
Conseillers-Entreprises API documentation makes use of swagger (rswag
In order to generate documentation with automatic examples, run :
rake rswag:specs:swaggerize SWAGGER_DRY_RUN=0
Next: Deployment