- Clone a gitlib / github project to a new gitlab
- Project Template By js [Author]
- GitHub
- Currently the first version of the beta, there may be many problems
- Generic creation project Cli based on Git
- Quickly create new projects based on template engineering
- Automatically configure git information
- The template is currently available from gitlab, github
- nodejs version > 9
- develop on nodejs v9.11.2
- test on nodejs v9.11.2 / v11.10.0
- Fast copying of project templates has been implemented
- Customization based on specific language item types
- Others
1.1.0 latest
# npm install
$ npm install -g ptjs-cli
# Help
$ pt -h
# Add a new git template project
$ pt add
# Create a project from template
$ pt new
# Template list
$ pt list
# Delete Templates
$ pt delete