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Plot APD over a line seems to be working
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bergolho committed Apr 25, 2019
1 parent 69b09c3 commit 7703c8e
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Showing 14 changed files with 10,890 additions and 20 deletions.
58 changes: 41 additions & 17 deletions Changes.txt
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@@ -1,20 +1,44 @@
1) Merged Sachetto changes since 19/03/2019

2) Fix bugs:
- On the "free_grid" function there was a bug when dealing with Purkinje network, the program
could not be finished correctly.
- On "vtk_polydata_grid.c" file the name of the datatype to be saved was set to "realcpu_32"
instead of "Float32".

3) Upgrades:
- Add a description and more comments for the usage of "" script.
- Add a new script to plot several action potentials in one single axis
- Add a new program in the scripts folder to calculate and dump the positions (x,y,z) of every single cell in the grid to a file.
- Add a new program in the scripts folder to calculate the propagation velocity between two cells in the grid.
- Add new Purkinje networks that were build using the "Network-Generator" for testing.
1) Merged Sachetto changes since 22/04/2019
- Fill discretization matrix with different sigmas is working fine for the default case
- Each 'struct cell' now has a (sigma_x,sigma_y,sigma_z)

2) New features
- New mixed celular models
+ A new "extra_library" has been added (extra_mixed_models)
+ This library is responsible for deciding which celular model of each cell on the grid (mask_functions)
+ New examples for testing mixed celular models have been added
- Different sigmas
+ Simulations where we had cells with different sigmas are now working properly
+ New "source_sink_mismatch" simulation with different sigmas has been added

2) New scripts
- New script to calculate the APD based on Elnaz's algorithm
+ Works with multiples AP's by passing the pacing period
+ We can now set the percentage of the APD we want

- New script to calculate the APD of specific cells in the grid (scripts/calc_apd_multiple_cells)
- New script to calculate the APD of all the cells in the grid (scripts/calc_apd_full_grid)
- New script to plot the APD error as a VTU file
- New script for the butterfly plot

3) New celular model
- New Mitchell & Shaeffer 2003
- New mixed celular models
+ Mitchell & Shaeffer + FitzHugh-Nagumo
+ TenTusscher Epicardium + TenTusscher Myocardium

4) New stimulus
- New concave stimulus

5) New assembly matrix function
- source_sink_discretization_matrix_with_different_sigma

6) New domain function
- initialize_grid_with_plain_source_sink_fibrotic_mesh

7) New simulations
- Source-Sink simulation
- Plain mesh Ohara & Rudy 2011 simulation

4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions ToDo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ Sachetto
- Implement 'save_vtk_polydata_grid_as_vtu_compressed' function
- Implement coupling between Purkinje and tissue
- Implement multi-celular-model solver (use the 'extra_data' data structure as Sachetto suggested)
- Try to reduce the size of the files generated by the "" script

- Upgrade and refactor the DDM code.
- Rewrite the 'update_monodomain' function for the DDM case
- Change the DDM code to the new version of the 'fill_discretization_matrix' function
- Implement the anisotropic case for the DDM.
The kappas can be different now along the control volumes
Empty file.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions scripts/calc_apd_specific_cells/
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@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
# Author: Lucas Berg
# Program that calculates the APD of every cell in the grid by passing a certain percentage.
# e.g: APD_90 --> percentage = 90
# APD_80 --> percentage = 80
# APD_70 --> percentage = 70
# This program also works with multiples AP's !

import sys
import subprocess
import time
import numpy as np

def forwarddiff(y, h):
n = len(y)
res = []

for i in range(1, n):
res.append((y[i] - y[i-1]) / h)

return res

def slope_start(data, start=0, epsilon=0.0001, h=1.0):

d = data[start:]
n = len(d)

for i in range(1,n):
if abs(d[i] - d[i-1]/h) > epsilon:
return i+start

def slope_end(data, start=0, epsilon=0.0001, h=1.0):

d = data[start:]
n = len(d)

for i in range(1,n):
if abs(d[i] - d[i-1]/h) < epsilon:
return i+start

def max_index(data, start, end):

d = data[start:(start+end)]

max_v = max(d)

max_index = d.index(max_v) + start

return max_index

def index_activation(data, start=0):

d = data[start:]

for i, v in enumerate(d):
if d[i + start] < 0.0 < d[i + start + 1]:
return i+start

def calc_ap_limits (vms, start, end):

v = vms[start:end].tolist()

maxV = max(v)
minV = min(v)

index_maxV = v.index(maxV) + start

return index_maxV, maxV, minV

def calc_reference_potential (minV, maxV, percentage):

refV = minV + (maxV - minV)*(1.0 - percentage)

return refV

def calc_apd (vms, start, end, h, percentage):

index_maxV, maxV, minV = calc_ap_limits(vms,start,end)

refV = calc_reference_potential(minV,maxV,percentage)

index_peak, t_peak = calc_max_derivative(vms,start,end,h)

index_ref, t_ref = calc_time_reference(vms,index_maxV,end,h,refV)

#print("Start = %g -- Finish = %g -- Peak = %d -- Ref = %d" % (start,end,t_peak,t_ref))
#print("APD = %g ms" % (t_ref - t_peak))

if (index_ref == -1):
print("[-] ERROR! Could not find reference potential!")

return (t_ref - t_peak)

def calc_time_reference (vms, start, end, h, refV):

v = vms[start:(start+end)]

for i in range(len(v)):
if (v[i] < refV):
return (i+start), (i+start)*h
return -1, -1

def calc_max_min_ref_potential (data,apd_p,start,end):

d = data[start:end]

max_v = max(d)
min_v = min(d)
ref_v = min_v + (max_v - min_v)*(1.0 - apd_p)

return max_v, min_v, ref_v

def calc_max_derivative (vms,start,end,h):
v = vms[start:end]
n = len(v)
dvdt = range(0,n)

for i in range(1,n):
dvdt[i] = abs(v[i] - v[i-1]/h)

max_dvdt = max(dvdt)

max_index = dvdt.index(max_dvdt) + start

return max_index, max_index*h

def main ():
if ( len(sys.argv) != 9 ):
print("Usage:> python %s <output_dir> <cell_positions_filename>" % sys.argv[0])
print(" <num_aps> <period> <ms_each_step> <total_num_cells>")
print(" <print_rate> <APD_percentage>")
print("<output_dir> = Output directory of the simulation")
print("<cell_positions_filename> = Filename with the indexes and positions from the specific cells")
print("<num_aps> = Number of AP's to be used for the APD calculation")
print("<period> = Period of each action potential occurs")
print("<ms_each_step> = Number of milliseconds from each timestep")
print(" this value can be calculated as:")
print(" num_files = (simulation_time) / (dt * print_rate)")
print(" ms_each_step = (simulation_time) / (num_files)")
print(" Where the values <simulation_time>, <dt> and <print_rate> are all")
print(" given in the configuration file of the simulation.")
print("<total_num_cells> = Total number of cells to calculate the APD")
print("<print_rate> = The print rate of the simulation")
print("<APD_percentage> = Percentage to be used as reference on the APD calculus")
print("Example:> python ../../outputs/plain_mixed_models_tt inputs/cells_positions_inside_region.txt 1 250 2 10000 100 90")
return 1

# Get user inputs
output_dir = sys.argv[1]
cell_positions_filename = sys.argv[2]
num_aps = int(sys.argv[3])
period = int(sys.argv[4])
ms_each_step = float(sys.argv[5])
total_num_cells = int(sys.argv[6])
print_rate = int(sys.argv[7])
APD_percentage = float(sys.argv[8])

# Get the transmembrane potential for all timesteps and every single cell in the grid
print("[!] Calling '' script ...")
cmd = "./ %s V 6 %d %d" % (output_dir,total_num_cells,print_rate)
rc = cmd, shell=True )

# Open the generated file from the previous script as a Numpy array and get its dimensions
timesteps_file = open("timesteps.txt")
ap_data = np.genfromtxt(timesteps_file)
num_cells = ap_data.shape[0]
num_timesteps = ap_data.shape[1]

# Open the input cell positions file
cell_positions_file = open(cell_positions_filename)
index_positions = np.genfromtxt(cell_positions_file)
num_indexes = index_positions.shape[0]
num_cols = index_positions.shape[1]

# Open the output file
out_file = open("output/cells-apd-inside-region.txt","w")

print("[!] Calculating APD's ...")

begin = time.time()
# Iterate over each cell inside the region
for i in range(num_indexes):

# Get the index of the cell
index = int(index_positions[i][0])

# Get the transmembrane potential from the current cell
vms = ap_data[index]

apds = []
for j in range(num_aps):

start = j*period
finish = start + period

# Calculates its APD
apd = calc_apd(vms,start,finish,ms_each_step,APD_percentage*0.01)


# Write the mean APD value on the output file
out_file.write("%g\n" % (sum(apds)/len(apds)))
end = time.time()

print("[!] Elapsed time = %g seconds" % (end - begin))

print("[+] Output file saved in 'output/cells-apd-inside-region.txt'")

if __name__ == "__main__":
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions scripts/calc_apd_specific_cells/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

rm timesteps.txt
rm aps/*.txt
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions scripts/calc_apd_specific_cells/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ "$#" -ne 5 ]]; then
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "<AP_DIR> = Directory where the results of the simulation are stored"
echo "<AP_PREFIX> = Prefix of the results files"
echo "<AP_LINE> = Line where the action potential information is stored"
echo "<TOTAL_NUMBER_CELLS> = Total number of grid cells"
echo "<PRINT_RATE> = The print rate of the simulation"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "!!! This script only works if the output file is NOT saved in !!!"
echo "!!! binary format !!!"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "<AP_LINE> guide:"
echo " VTP/VTU --> Line 6"
echo " VTK --> Last line"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
exit 1

# Get the transmembrane potential from each of the .vtu files and dump it into a .txt
for i in `ls -1v ${AP_DIR}/${AP_PREFIX}*`; do
sed -n "${AP_LINE}p" $i | awk -v TOTAL_NUMBER_CELLS="$TOTAL_NUMBER_CELLS" -F ' ' '{ for (i=0; i < TOTAL_NUMBER_CELLS; i++) { printf "%g\n", $i } }' > ${AP_OUT}

# Adjust the total number of timesteps

# Concatenate the filename from each timestep
for i in $(seq 0 $PRINT_RATE $TOTAL_TIMESTEPS); do
CMD="$CMD aps/timestep-$i.txt"

# Use the 'paste' command to append each timestep into a column on the output file
paste $CMD > timesteps.txt

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