This repository contains the firmware for the custom-built thermostat described in this blog post.
"temp": 70.03, // The displayed temperature (rolling average of heat index adjusted by configured sensor offset)
"temp_raw": 71.47, // The latest raw temperature from the sensor
"humidity": 50, // The latest raw percent humidity from the sensor
"heatindex": 71.53, // The heat index calculated from raw temperature and humidity
"status": "Off" // Current HVAC status (Off, Cool, Heat)
"wifi_ssid": "myssid", // WiFi SSID
"wifi_pass": "[hidden]", // WiFi Password (never shown)
"target_temp": 70.0, // Desired room temperature
"allowed_deviation": 0.7, // Allowed deviation from desired temperature before the HVAC is kicked on
"minimum_switch_seconds": 600, // Minimum allowed time to switch between heat and cool or vice versa
"therm_offset": -1.5 // Adjustment applied to temperature sensor
Sets any of the keys from the GET response to the provided value. Causes a reboot if WiFi credentials are changed.