Brow automatically configures all you rack apps and pebbles to be served with unicorn through nginx. It takes care of mapping all your pebbles into the url-space of all your apps.
You need nginx compiled with --with-http_gzip_static_module
and --with-http_stub_status_module
With Homebrew on Mac OS X this can be achieved with:
brew install nginx-full --with-status --with-gzip-static
- You must have nginx installed via macports or homebrew
- All apps must use bundler and have unicorn in its Gemfile
- Currently you must use Mac OS X – Ubuntu to follow
git clone [email protected]:benglerpebbles/brow.git
cd brow
rake install
Check that everytning installed correctly by listing configured services
brow status
Now you have a .brow folder in your home directory which you can use to mount your rack services. Symlink all your pebbles and apps somewhere inside ~/.brow and then do this to configure and launch everything:
brow up
To launch everyting. This will launch a unicorn server for every app and pebble and configure the apps to run with all pebbles proxied in via nginx. Each app will be available like this:
To restart a single pebble or app, do this:
brow restart checkpoint
To restart everything do
brow restart
If this fails:
brow restart --hard
brow restart checkpoint --hard
To kill all services:
brow down
To execute a command in all repos, do:
brow exec bundle install
To tail all logs:
brow log
This is not the time nor place to describe the details of the pebbles spec, suffice it to say that each pebble is proxied into the url space of every app at /api/[service-name]