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Lauren Coombe edited this page Nov 28, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the ntSynt-viz wiki!

The main output file from ntSynt-viz is the chromosome painting ribbon plot in PNG or PDF format. Here, we describe the other output files that ntSynt-viz will generate.

Descriptions of file formats


Synteny blocks in the ntSynt format (

  • In the last ("reason") column, if a synteny block was reverse complemented due to chromosome strand normalization (if --normalize is supplied), this will be indicated by a _rev suffix


File with coordinates for links that will be plotted as ribbons in the ribbon plots. Columns:

  • block_id: synteny block ID
  • seq_id: chromosome name of genome1
  • bin_id: assembly name of genome1
  • start: start coordinate of synteny block in genome1
  • end: end coordinate of synteny block in genome1
  • seq_id2: chromosome name of genome2
  • bin_id2: assembly name of genome2
  • start2: start coordinate of synteny block in genome2
  • end2: end coordinate of synteny block in genome2
  • strand: + if the synteny blocks are on the same strand, else -
  • colour_block: The chromosome name in the target assembly that will be used for colouring the ribbon


File with lengths of chromosomes of all compared genomes Columns:

  • bin_id: assembly name
  • seq_id: chromosome name
  • length: length of chromosome (in bp)
  • relative_orientation: if --normalize is invoked, "-" if the chromosome was reverse-complemented to be normalized to the target genome, else "+". If --normalize is not invoked, will always be "+"


If --tree is not specified, this file contains the estimated pairwise synteny-based distances between the genomes Columns:

  • Genome 1
  • Genome 2
  • Estimated distance (value from 0-1)


If --tree is not specified, this file contains the same distance estimation information as the previous file, but in phylip format


File lists the order that the genomes will be plotted in top-to-bottom in the chromosome painting ribbon plot


File lists the start/end coordinates of each synteny block, providing all the information needed for the chromosome painting part of the plots Columns:

  • Synteny block ID
  • Chromosome ID
  • Genome name
  • Start coordinate of synteny block
  • End coordinate of synteny block
  • The name of the target chromosome that will be used for colouring this segment